CCA Talk: Nikos Pitsianis & Xiaobai Sun

Date & Time

Nikos Pitsianis and Xiaobai Sun will present an Informal joint CCA/CCB talk

Title : Rapid Computation of Interactions at Multiple Scales

Speakers : Nikos Pitsianis and Xiaobai Sun Department of Computer Science Duke University

Abstract: The demand for rapid computation, especially on modern personal and desktop computers, of near-neighbor interactions in high dimensional data mining and machine learning algorithms has grown beyond numerical computation of physical and chemical simulations. In this talk, we note first the connection, and the miss of it, to the $O(N \log N)$ algorithm for force-calculation by Josh Barnes and Piet Hut in 1986 and the $\O(N)$ algorithm by Leslie Greengard and Vladimir Rokhlin in 1987. We introduce two specific connections and important applications thus enabled. Next, we describe another prevalent gap between fast algorithms and modern high-performance computer architectures and introduce an algorithmic approach to closing the gap. The talk is based on our on-going work.

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