Emily Kerrison, M.Sc.
Predoctoral Fellow, Galaxy Formation, CCA, Flatiron Institute
Emily Kerrison is a Ph.D. student in observational radio astronomy, based at the University of Sydney, Australia, and the Space & Astronomy division of CSIRO, Australia’s National Science Agency. She is part of the ASKAP-FLASH science team, who are using an Australian SKA precursor instruments to map the neutral gas content of the Universe at intermediate redshifts. Her work focuses on the composition and evolution of AGN, particularly in the early stages of jet formation. Emily completed dual Bachelor’s degrees in Classics and Science, and she enjoys thinking about not only cutting-edge science, but also how our present-day research builds upon a long tradition of intellectual inquiry. While at the Center for Computational Astrophysics (CCA), Emily will be exploring the gas properties of AGN in cosmological simulations.