Algebraic, Complex, and Arithmetic Dynamics (2024)
Laura DeMarco, Harvard University
Mattias Jonsson, University of Michigan
The Simons Foundation will book and pay for up to six nights at the symposium hotel arriving on Sunday and departing on Saturday. All additional nights are to be paid for directly and will not be reimbursed.
Schloss Elmau
In Elmau 2, 82493 Krün, Germany
Phone: +49 8823 180
Meeting Goals:
Organized by Laura DeMarco (Harvard University) and Mattias Jonsson (University of Michigan), the emphasis of this third and final symposium will be on proof methods: we will explore various proof techniques that have been successfully used in complex, algebraic, and arithmetic dynamics. There will also be a few talks highlighting recent important developments, as we continue to formulate a vision for future developments in these areas. We hope you can join us.
Meeting Report
Overview: Symposium 3
In this symposium series, our aim was to formulate a vision for future developments in complex, algebraic, and arithmetic dynamics. The first symposium was centered around questions with an arithmetic flavor, especially the concept of heights and notions of dynamical complexity. The theme of the second symposium was on complex-analytic methods in complex algebraic dynamical systems, with a focus on open questions in the field. In this third and final symposium, we asked the speakers to orient their talks around one or several proof techniques that appear frequently in their work.
Research talks
The talks covered a wide range of topics in complex, algebraic, and arithmetic dynamics. Each lecturer was asked to focus on one or several proof techniques that have been (and will likely continue to be) of key importance to answering questions in the particular field at hand.
The series of lectures started on Monday morning with two talks on higher-dimensional complex dynamics. Serge Cantat discussed stable manifolds and entire curves. These are crucial when adapting techniques from one-dimensional complex dynamics to polynomial automorphisms of the complex plane. Romain Dujardin followed up on this work by explaining rigidity results that he recently established in joint work with Cantat. A typical example involves the nonexistence of polynomial automorphisms with smooth Julia sets. After this, Junyi Xie explained the techniques that go into his recent proof of the lower semicontinuity of dynamical degrees of rational maps, with mixed degrees and recursive inequalities. Yohsuke Matsuzawa then discussed the problem of bounding local heights in terms of global heights along orbits, a higher-dimensional versionofaresultbySilvermanforself-mapsoftheprojectiveline.
On Tuesday, Xavier Buff discussed techniques, in part due to Adam Epstein, for proving transversality properties in one-dimensional holomorphic dynamics. In particular, he highlighted results of an algebraic nature that currently can only be proved using complex analytic techniques. This was followed by Sarah Koch, who constructed holomorphic correspondences over moduli spaces of marked points on P^1 and provided examples that lead to post-critically finite maps in higher dimensions, emphasizing techniques of a non-dynamical nature, leading to questions about the arithmetic of associated eigenvalues. Thomas Gauthier then explained how methods from potential theory can be used to study higher-dimensional parameter spaces of holomorphic dynamical systems, explaining how to transport measure-theoretic information from dynamical space to parameter space. The day ended with a talk by Joseph Silverman, who discussed a conjecture on the coarse growth of height counting functions on algebraic varieties, a related dynamical conjecture on orbit propagation, and some recent progress on the latter.
On Wednesday, Mattias Jonsson gave a talk where he discussed how techniques from non-Archimedean geometry, and specifically Berkovich spaces, can be used to study various degenerations in dynamics and geometry. After that, Yusheng Luo explained techniques for studying hyperbolic components in the moduli space of one-dimensional rational maps, and he presented the proof ideas in his recent work with Dudko on the boundedness of Sierpinski components of disjoint type.
The talks on Thursday began with Myrto Mavraki, who described techniques for obtaining uniform bounds in families of arithmetic dynamical systems, an area that has seen an explosion of activity in recent years but with deep conjectures remaining open. Xinyi Yuan then presented a new equidistribution result for arithmetic dynamical systems defined over finitely generated fields. The day ended with a talk by Jason Bell, who provided examples of how the p-adic interpolation of iterates can be brought to bear in various situations in algebraic dynamics.
On Friday, the final day, Valentino Tosatti gave a talk on rigidity results in complex geometry and dynamics, focusing on the question of whether certain cohomology classes contain a unique positive closed current, and the regularity of such currents on K3 surfaces, emphasizing the role of semicontinuity. This was followed by a talk by Curtis McMullen, centered around a new height function on the projective line over totally real fields, associated to an abelian variety with real multiplication, and its connection to the study of billiards in a regular polygon. The final talk of the symposium was given by Laura DeMarco. Beginning with a general overview of what has been accomplished in this symposium series, she focused on a new conjecture that grew out of discussions during the first two symposia; she explained how it implies several known conjectures and results, such as the dynamical Manin-Mumford conjecture, the dynamical André-Oort conjecture, and a recent theorem on the sparsity of post-critically finite maps in higher dimensions.
Other activities
While formal talks are important to efficiently explain mathematical results, informal discussions can also be very fruitful. We had intentionally chosen participants to promote information discussions and felt that we had a great success with this.
Wherever you went on the premises of Schloss Elmau, you could see active and lively mathematical discussions. The talks themselves also generated a lot of questions and feedback.
This symposium was the final one in the series of three. We feel that the series has been a success and generated a great deal of new research, including new collaborations. While the extremely favorable conditions provided by the Simons Symposiums are hard to replicate, we are convinced that the three meetings will generate activity in the near future.
Some of the results from the symposia will appear in a proceedings that we are currently in the process of editing.
8:30 - 9:30 PM Welcome Dinner @ La Salle MONDAY
7:30 - 9:45 AM Breakfast at La Salle 10:00 - 11:00 AM Serge Cantat | Stable Manifolds and Entire Curves 11:00-11:30 AM Break 11:30 - 12:30 PM Romain Dujardin | Rigidity for Polynomial Automorphisms of C^2 12:30 - 1:30 PM Lunch at La Salle 1:30 - 4:30 PM Discussion & Recreation* 4:30- 5:00 PM Tea 5:00 - 6:00 PM Junyi Xie | Lower Semicontinuity of Dynamical Degrees 6:00 - 6:15 PM Break 6:15 - 7:15 PM Yohsuke Matsuzawa | Growth of Local Height Functions Along Orbits 8:00 - 9:30 PM Dinner at Ganesha TUESDAY
7:30 - 9:45 AM Breakfast at La Salle 10:00 - 11:00 AM Xavier Buff | Differential Calculus in Holomorphic Dynamics 11:00-11:30 AM Break 11:30 - 12:30 PM Sarah Koch | Complex Dynamics without Dynamics 12:30 - 1:30 PM Lunch at La Salle 1:30 - 4:30 PM Discussion & Recreation* 4:30- 5:00 PM Tea 5:00 - 6:00 PM Thomas Gauthier | Potential-Theoretic Tools for Local Problems in Parameter Spaces of Endomorphisms 6:00 - 6:15 PM Break 6:15 - 7:15 PM Joseph Silverman | Height Counting Functions 8:00 - 9:30 PM Dinner at Fidelio WEDNESDAY
7:30 - 9:30 AM Breakfast @ La Salle 9:45 - 2:00 PM Guided Hike 2:00 - 3:00 PM Lunch @ La Salle 3:00 - 4:30 PM Discussion & Recreation* 4:30 - 5:00 PM Tea 5:00 - 6:00 PM Mattias Jonsson | Dynamical Degenerations and Berkovich Spaces 6:00 - 6:15 PM Break 6:15 - 7:15 PM Yusheng Luo | Degenerations of Hyperbolic Componen 8:00 - 9:30 PM Dinner at Fidelio THURSDAY
7:30 - 9:45 AM Breakfast at La Salle 10:00 - 11:00 AM Myrto Mavraki | Uniform Unlikely Intersections 11:00-11:30 AM Break 11:30 - 12:30 PM Xinyi Yuan | Equidistribution Over Finitely Generated Fields 12:30 - 1:30 PM Lunch at La Salle 1:30 - 4:00 PM Discussion & Recreation* 4:00 - 4:30 PM Tea 4:30 - 5:30 PM Discussion Session 5:30 - 5:45 PM Break 5:45 - 6:45 PM Jason Bell | p-Adic Interpolation 7:00 - 8:00 PM Dinner at La Salle 8:30 - 10:00 PM Concert: Asya Fateyeva & Friends FRIDAY
7:30 - 9:45 AM Breakfast at La Salle 10:00 - 11:00 AM Valentino Tosatti | Two Applications of Semicontinuity to Complex Dynamics 11:00-11:30 AM Break 11:30 - 12:30 PM Curtis McMullen | Billiards, Heights and Hodge Theory 12:30 - 1:30 PM Lunch at La Salle 1:30 - 4:30 PM Discussion & Recreation* 4:30- 5:00 PM Tea 5:00 - 6:00 PM Laura DeMarco | Algebraic, Complex, and Arithmetic Dynamics 6:00 - 6:15 PM Break 6:15 - 7:15 PM Discussion Session 8:00 - 9:30 PM Dinner at Summit Pavillion LOCATIONS
SESSIONS Pavilion located at the Schloss Elmau Retreat MEALS Various, see agenda TEA & DISCUSSION Pavilion located at the Schloss Elmau Retreat EXCURSION Meet in Schloss Elmau Lobby SATURDAY DEPARTURE Meet in Schloss Elmau Lobby *Participants may explore the hotel property and its surrounding areas as well as engage in informal discussion with other participants.
Abstracts & Slides
Jason Bell
University of Waterloop-Adic Interpolation
We give an overview of p-adic interpolation methods and highlight some of their applications in arithmetic dynamics.
Xavier Buff
Institut Mathématiques de ToulouseDifferential Calculus in Holomorphic Dynamics
We will present methods introduced by Adam Epstein to address transversality problems in holomorphic dynamics in complex dimension 1. One associates to each rational map various dynamically relevant vector spaces and linear maps, and then studies the kernel and/or the image of those linear maps. The key ingredient in the proof, which goes back to William Thuston, is the injectivity of the operator id – f_* acting on meromorphic integrable quadratic differentials. All statements are purely algebraic, but we are not aware of an algebraic proof of the key ingredient.
Serge Cantat
CNRSStable Manifolds and Entire Curves
In complex dimension 2, stable manifolds of holomorphic diffeomorphisms are entire curves; that is, they are holomorphically parametrized by the affine complex line. Positive currents, Nevanlinna theory and Hodge theory can then be used to study these curves. In this talk, Serge Cantat will describe some of the results from this circle of ideas.
Laura DeMarco
Harvard UniversityAlgebraic, Complex, and Arithmetic Dynamics
In this talk, Laura DeMarco will present a conjecture that grew out of discussions during the first two symposia. It includes as special cases many well-known theorems and challenging conjectures in the areas of algebraic, complex, and arithmetic dynamics. This is joint work with Myrto Mavraki.
Romain Dujardin
Sorbonne UniversitéRigidity for Polynomial Automorphisms of C^2
In joint work with Serge Cantat, we establish several new rigidity results for automorphisms with positive entropy, addressing questions such as the smoothness of Julia sets, existence of invariant foliations or characterizations of real-analytic conjugacy classes. Most of these questions are related to properties of stable and unstable eigenvalues of saddle periodic points and the algebraic and geometric constraints they have to satisfy. Another pervasive tool is the existence and properties of the dynamical Green function.
Thomas Gauthier
Université Paris-SaclayPotential-Theoretic Tools for Local Problems in Parameter Spaces of Endomorphisms
When studying the global (or local) geography of parameter spaces of endomorphism of projective spaces, one can think of using tools inherited from potential theory, such as closed positive currents. One of the main issues we then encounter is to be able to prove that those objects actually carry useful information. In this talk, Thomas Gauthier will present various situations where we can find this information in a parameter/dynamics similarity phenomenon.
Mattias Jonsson
University of MichiganDynamical Degenerations and Berkovich Spaces
Non-Archimedean analytic spaces in the sense of Berkovich can be used to study degeneration of various types of complex analytic objects. Mattias Jonsson will survey some known results about degenerations in complex dynamics, with an emphasis on the methods used in the proofs.
Sarah Koch
University of MichiganComplex Dynamics without Dynamics
Sarah Koch will discuss a variety of dynamical results, many in the realm of PCF rational maps, that arise from exploiting “non-dynamical” ideas and constructions.
Yusheng Luo
Cornell UniversityDegenerations of Hyperbolic Components
From a dynamics point of view, a degenerating sequence of conjugacy classes of rational maps in a hyperbolic component usually develops some wide rectangles (arc-degeneration) or annuli (loop-degeneration) in the dynamical plane. In this talk, we will discuss some methods and techniques to prevent these degenerations. Using a hyperbolic component of a Sierpiński carpet Julia set as an example, we will illustrate how renormalization methods can be used to bound the arc-degeneration and how the ideas from the Berkovich spaces can be used to prevent loop-degeneration. Furthermore, we will talk about some limitations, technical challenges and potential generalizations for these methods.
Yohsuke Matsuzawa
Osaka Metropolitan UniversityGrowth of Local Height Functions Along Orbits
For a dominant self-map f on a projective variety, we explore the problem of whether the ratio (local height of f^n(x))/( ample height of f^n(x)) tends to zero as n approaches infinity. This problem was solved in dimension one by Silverman, with applications to the dynamical Lang-Siegel problem. In higher dimensions, there are two main obstacles: Diophantine approximation (specifically, the upper bound of local height functions) and the growth rate of ample height functions along orbits.
For the first obstacle, Yohsuke Matsuzawa will introduce how Roth’s theorem and Vojta’s conjecture can be applied. It appears to be very difficult to prove higher dimensional analogue of Silverman’s theorem in full generality without assuming Vojta’s conjecture. However, Matsuzawa will explain that a weaker statement involving Banach density can be proven unconditionally. Regarding the second obstacle, it is well-understood when f is a morphism (on a projective variety). When f is a rational map, the problem becomes much more challenging. Matsuzawa will explain that when f is a cohomologically hyperbolic map, the growth of the ample height is sufficiently well-understood to the extent that we can prove a sufficient condition for our problem. This is an application of recent work by Junyi Xie on recursive inequalities of pull-backs of divisors.
Myrto Mavraki
University of TorontoUniform Unlikely Intersections
Myrto Mavraki will describe techniques used to obtain uniform bounds in families of arithmetic dynamical systems
Curtis McMullen
Harvard UniversityBilliards, Heights and Hodge Theory
What are the slopes of periodic billiard trajectories in a regular polygon? We will connect this dynamical question and others to methods lying at the nexus of complex and arithmetic geometry. In particular, we will discuss a new height on P^1(K), determined by a combination of arithmetic and the Hodge norm on the cohomology of an Abelian variety with real multiplication by K. Along the way, we will encounter issues of chaos and decidability, first appearing in polygons with 7 and 12 sides.
Joseph Silverman
Brown UniversityHeight Counting Functions
Joseph Silverman will start with a 30-year old conjecture that describes the coarse growth of height counting functions on algebraic varieties, show how it leads to a dynamical orbit propagation conjecture, and then use height counting functions to prove a case of the orbit propagation conjecture (joint work with Hector Pasten).
Valentino Tosatti
New York UniversityTwo Applications of Semicontinuity to Complex Dynamics
Valentino Tosatti will discuss a simple idea involving semicontinuity and how it can be applied in two different contexts to prove interesting results at the intersection of complex dynamics and geometry: to find rigid currents on K3 surfaces (work of Sibony-Verbitsky) and to study the linearization problem for neighborhoods of elliptic curves in complex surfaces with a topologically trivial normal bundle (ongoing work with Filip).
Junyi Xie
BICMR, Peking UniversityLower Semicontinuity of Dynamical Degrees
For every dominant rational self-map, we find a family of recursive inequalities of some dynamically meaningful cycles. Using these inequalities, we prove that for a family of dominant rational self-maps, the dynamical degrees are lower semi-continuous with respect to the Zariski topology.
Xinyi Yuan
Peking UniversityEquidistribution Over Finitely Generated Fields
The equidistribution theorem of Szpiro-Ullmo-Zhang and Yuan assumes that the base field is a number field. In Yuan-Zhang’s work on adelic line bundles, there is a conjecture on equidistribution over finitely generated fields. In this talk, Xinyi Yuan will introduce some recent progress on this conjecture.