1960 Publications

An adaptive spectral method for oscillatory second-order linear ODEs with frequency-independent cost

F. Agocs, A. Barnett

We introduce an efficient numerical method for second-order linear ODEs whose solution may vary between highly oscillatory and slowly changing over the solution interval. In oscillatory regions the solution is generated via a nonoscillatory phase function that obeys the nonlinear Riccati equation. We propose a defect correction iteration that gives an asymptotic series for such a phase function; this is numerically approximated on a Chebyshev grid with a small number of nodes. For analytic coefficients we prove that each iteration, up to a certain maximum number, reduces the residual by a factor of order of the local frequency. The algorithm adapts both the stepsize and the choice of method, switching to a conventional spectral collocation method away from oscillatory regions. In numerical experiments we find that our proposal outperforms other state-of-the-art oscillatory solvers, most significantly at low to intermediate frequencies and at low tolerances, where it may use up to \(10^6\) times fewer function evaluations. Even in high-frequency regimes, our implementation is on average 10 times faster than other specialized solvers.

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Unraveling the Molecular Complexity of N-Terminus Huntingtin Oligomers: Insights into Polymorphic Structures

Neha Nanajkar, A. Sahoo, Silvina Matysiak

Huntington’s disease (HD) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder resulting from an abnormal expansion of polyglutamine (polyQ) repeats in the N-terminus of the huntingtin protein. When the polyQ tract surpasses 35 repeats, the mutated protein undergoes misfolding, culminating in the formation of intracellular aggregates. Research in mouse models suggests that HD pathogenesis involves the aggregation of N-terminal fragments of the huntingtin protein (htt). These early oligomeric assemblies of htt, exhibiting diverse characteristics during aggregation, are implicated as potential toxic entities in HD. However, a consensus on their specific structures remains elusive. Understanding the heterogeneous nature of htt oligomers provides crucial insights into disease mechanisms, emphasizing the need to identify various oligomeric conformations as potential therapeutic targets. Employing coarse-grained molecular dynamics, our study aims to elucidate the mechanisms governing the aggregation process and resultant aggregate architectures of htt. The polyQ tract within htt is flanked by two regions: an N-terminal domain (N17) and a short C-terminal proline-rich segment. We conducted self-assembly simulations involving five distinct N17 + polyQ systems with polyQ lengths ranging from 7 to 45, utilizing the ProMPT force field. Prolongation of the polyQ domain correlates with an increase in β-sheet-rich structures. Longer polyQ lengths favor intramolecular β-sheets over intermolecular interactions due to the folding of the elongated polyQ domain into hairpin-rich conformations. Importantly, variations in polyQ length significantly influence resulting oligomeric structures. Shorter polyQ domains lead to N17 domain aggregation, forming a hydrophobic core, while longer polyQ lengths introduce a competition between N17 hydrophobic interactions and polyQ polar interactions, resulting in densely packed polyQ cores with outwardly distributed N17 domains. Additionally, at extended polyQ lengths, we observe distinct oligomeric conformations with varying degrees of N17 bundling. These findings can help explain the toxic gain-of-function that htt with expanded polyQ acquires.

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Computational tools for cellular scale biophysics Author links open overlay panel

Mathematical models are indispensable for disentangling the interactions through which biological components work together to generate the forces and flows that position, mix, and distribute proteins, nutrients, and organelles within the cell. To illuminate the ever more specific questions studied at the edge of biological inquiry, such models inevitably become more complex. Solving, simulating, and learning from these more realistic models requires the development of new analytic techniques, numerical methods, and scalable software. In this review, we discuss some recent developments in tools for understanding how large numbers of cytoskeletal filaments, driven by molecular motors and interacting with the cytoplasm and other structures in their environment, generate fluid flows, instabilities, and material deformations which help drive crucial cellular processes.

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Minimal motifs for habituating systems

M. Smart, S. Shvartsman, Martin Mönnigmann

Habituation – a phenomenon in which a dynamical system exhibits a diminishing response to repeated stimulations that eventually recovers when the stimulus is withheld – is universally observed in living systems from animals to unicellular organisms. Despite its prevalence, generic mechanisms for this fundamental form of learning remain poorly defined. Drawing inspiration from prior work on systems that respond adaptively to step inputs, we study habituation from a nonlinear dynamics perspective. This approach enables us to formalize classical hallmarks of habituation that have been experimentally identified in diverse organisms and stimulus scenarios. We use this framework to investigate distinct dynamical circuits capable of habituation. In particular, we show that driven linear dynamics of a memory variable with static nonlinearities acting at the input and output can implement numerous hallmarks in a mathematically interpretable manner. This work establishes a foundation for understanding the dynamical substrates of this primitive learning behavior and offers a blueprint for the identification of habituating circuits in biological systems.

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E. coli do not count single molecules

H. Mattingly, Keita Kamino, Jude Ong, et al.

Organisms must perform sensory-motor behaviors to survive. What bounds or constraints limit behavioral performance? Previously, we found that the gradient-climbing speed of a chemotaxing Escherichia coli is near a bound set by the limited information they acquire from their chemical environments (1). Here we ask what limits their sensory accuracy. Past theoretical analyses have shown that the stochasticity of single molecule arrivals sets a fundamental limit on the precision of chemical sensing (2). Although it has been argued that bacteria approach this limit, direct evidence is lacking. Here, using information theory and quantitative experiments, we find that E. coli’s chemosensing is not limited by the physics of particle counting. First, we derive the physical limit on the behaviorally-relevant information that any sensor can get about a changing chemical concentration, assuming that every molecule arriving at the sensor is recorded. Then, we derive and measure how much information E. coli’s signaling pathway encodes during chemotaxis. We find that E. coli encode two orders of magnitude less information than an ideal sensor limited only by shot noise in particle arrivals. These results strongly suggest that constraints other than particle arrival noise limit E. coli’s sensory fidelity.

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Yardangs sculpted by erosion of heterogeneous material

Samuel Boury, S. Weady, Leif Ristroph, et. al.

The recognizable shapes of landforms arise from processes such as erosion by wind or water currents. However, explaining the physical origin of natural structures is challenging due to the coupled evolution of complex flow fields and three-dimensional (3D) topographies. We investigate these issues in a laboratory setting inspired by yardangs, which are raised, elongate formations whose characteristic shape suggests erosion of heterogeneous material by directional flows. We combine experiments and simulations to test an origin hypothesis involving a harder or less erodible inclusion embedded in an outcropping of softer material. Optical scans of clay objects fixed within flowing water reveal a transformation from a featureless mound to a yardang-like form resembling a lion in repose. Phase-field simulations reproduce similar shape dynamics and show their dependence on the erodibility contrast and flow strength. Through visualizations of the flow fields and analysis of the local erosion rate, we identify effects associated with flow funneling and the turbulent wake that are responsible for carving the unique geometrical features. This highly 3D scouring process produces complex shapes from simple and commonplace starting conditions and is thus a candidate explanation for natural yardangs. The methods introduced here should be generally useful for geomorphological problems and especially those for which material heterogeneity is a primary factor.

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Fishing for Planets: A Comparative Analysis of EPRV Survey Performance in the Presence of Correlated Noise

A. Gupta, M. Bedell

With dedicated exoplanet surveys underway for multiple extreme-precision radial velocity (EPRV) instruments, the near-future prospects of RV exoplanet science are promising. These surveys' generous time allocations are expected to facilitate the discovery of Earth analogs around bright, nearby Sun-like stars. But survey success will depend critically on the choice of observing strategy, which will determine the survey's ability to mitigate known sources of noise and extract low-amplitude exoplanet signals. Here we present an analysis of the Fisher information content of simulated EPRV surveys, accounting for the most recent advances in our understanding of stellar variability on both short and long timescales (i.e., oscillations and granulation within individual nights, and activity-induced variations across multiple nights). In this analysis, we capture the correlated nature of stellar variability by parameterizing these signals with Gaussian process kernels. We describe the underlying simulation framework and the physical interpretation of the Fisher information content, and we evaluate the efficacy of EPRV survey strategies that have been presented in the literature. We explore and compare strategies for scheduling observations over various timescales, and we make recommendations to optimize survey performance for the detection of Earth-like exoplanets.

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Senthilnath Lakshmanachetty, Milos Simic, O. Troyanskaya, et al.

Diffuse midline glioma (DMG), including Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG), is an aggressive brain tumor in children with limited treatment options. Recent developments of phase 1 clinical trials have shown early promise for chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells in patients with DMG/DIPG. However, several barriers such as the absence of tumor-specific antigens, restricted trafficking to the tumor site, and poor persistence hinder the full therapeutic potential of CAR T cell therapy in DMG/DIPG.

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Measuring and modeling the dynamics of mitotic error correction

Gloria Ha, D. Needleman, et al.

Error correction is central to many biological systems and is critical for protein function and cell health. During mitosis, error correction is required for the faithful inheritance of genetic material. When functioning properly, the mitotic spindle segregates an equal number of chromosomes to daughter cells with high fidelity. Over the course of spindle assembly, many initially erroneous attachments between kinetochores and microtubules are fixed through the process of error correction. Despite the importance of chromosome segregation errors in cancer and other diseases, there is a lack of methods to characterize the dynamics of error correction and how it can go wrong. Here, we present an experimental method and analysis framework to quantify chromosome segregation error correction in human tissue culture cells with live cell confocal imaging, timed premature anaphase, and automated counting of kinetochores after cell division. We find that errors decrease exponentially over time during spindle assembly. A coarse-grained model, in which errors are corrected in a chromosome-autonomous manner at a constant rate, can quantitatively explain both the measured error correction dynamics and the distribution of anaphase onset times. We further validated our model using perturbations that destabilized microtubules and changed the initial configuration of chromosomal attachments. Taken together, this work provides a quantitative framework for understanding the dynamics of mitotic error correction.

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Variational bounds and nonlinear stability of an active nematic suspension

We use the entropy method to analyse the nonlinear dynamics and stability of a continuum kinetic model of an active nematic suspension. From the time evolution of the relative entropy, an energy-like quantity in the kinetic model, we derive a variational bound on relative entropy fluctuations that can be expressed in terms of orientational order parameters. From this bound we show isotropic suspensions are nonlinearly stable for sufficiently low activity, and derive upper bounds on spatiotemporal averages in the unstable regime that are consistent with fully nonlinear simulations. This work highlights the self-organising role of activity in particle suspensions, and places limits on how organised such systems can be.

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