October 9, 2013: Neural Codes for Representation and Memory

Date & Time

About Presidential Lectures

Presidential Lectures are free public colloquia centered on four main themes: Biology, Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science, and Neuroscience and Autism Science. These curated, high-level scientific talks feature leading scientists and mathematicians and are intended to foster discourse and drive discovery among the broader NYC-area research community. We invite those interested in the topic to join us for this weekly lecture series.

October 9, 2013

The fundamental components of representation and communication in the brain are forgetful and noisy. How does the brain overcome these features to perform accurate computation and generate reliable short-term memory? Ila Fiete will discuss how recent discoveries finally substantiate classical theoretical ideas, while simultaneously showing that neural codes go far beyond our current theoretical understanding. She will argue that it is time to develop and apply information-theoretic principles specific to coding in the noisy brain.


Ila Fiete, Ph.D.
University of Texas at Austin


Gerald D. Fischbach Auditorium, Simons Foundation
160 5th Avenue
New York, NY 10010

Wednesday, October 9, 2013 from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM (EDT)

To RSVP for this event, please do so at Eventbrite.

Click here to learn more about the Theory and Biology Lectures.


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