Quantum Entanglement (2013)


February 3-9, 2013

The goal of our meeting will be to explore exotic quantum states of matter, with a particular focus on the role of quantum entanglement. A variety of new tools arising from both the study of quantum field theoretic techniques in condensed matter physics, and from the “holographic” duality between field theories and gravity theories coming out of string theory, make this an excellent time to try and rise to the challenge of understanding exotic quantum states.


Sean Hartnoll, Stanford University

Gary Horowitz, UC Santa Barbara

Liza Huijse, Harvard University

Shamit Kachru, Stanford University

Igor Klebanov, Princeton University

Sung-Sik Lee, McMaster University

Hong Liu, MIT

John McGreevy, MIT

Andy Millis, Simons Foundation

Robert Myers, Perimeter Institute

Hirosi Ooguri, Caltech

Masaki Oshikawa, University of Tokyo

Joe Polchinski, KITP

Subir Sachdev, Harvard University

Eva Silverstein, Stanford University

Julian Sonner, MIT

Andy Strominger, Harvard University

Brian Swingle, Harvard University

Senthil Todadri, MIT

Sandip Trivedi, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Herman Verlinde, Princeton University

Ashvin Vishwanath, UC Berkeley

X.G. Wen, MIT/Perimeter Institute

Jan Zaanen, University of Leiden


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