Quantum Entanglement (2015)


March 15-21, 2015

Shamit Kachru, Stanford University
Hirosi Ooguri, Caltech
Subir Sachdev, Harvard University

Since our last symposium, quantum entanglement has become even more important in areas of theoretical physics ranging from condensed matter physics and quantum information to quantum gravity. In quantum gravity, it is playing a key role in elucidating the mechanism of the holographic duality between field theories and gravity theories. In condensed matter physics, entanglement has become a key organizing principle in new approaches to performing lattice simulations of quantum systems (like DMRG and MERA). It also acts as one of the few `tags’ for topologically ordered states – novel phases of matter not characterized by conventional order parameters. These developments make it an excellent time to bring together theorists in these areas to share their insights and tools.

  • Monday
    Subir Sachdev
    Xiao-Liang Qi
    Ashvin Vishwanath
    Hong Liu
    Shamit Kachru
    Tadashi Takayanagi
    Matt Headrick
    Hirosi Ooguri
    Veronika Hubeny
    Mukund Rangamani
    David Huse
    Max Melitski
    Tarun Grover
    Daniel Harlow
    Brian Swingle
    Beni Yoshida
    Robert Myers
    Dam Son
    Horacio Casini
    Eva Silverstein
    Sean Hartnoll
    Liam Fitzpatrick
    Sun-Sik Lee

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  • Horacio Casini Centro Atómico Bariloche
    Liam Fitzpatrick Stanford University
    Tarun Grover KITP
    Daniel Harlow Princeton University
    Sean Hartnoll Stanford University
    Matt Headrick Brandeis University
    Veronika Hubeny Durham Uiversity
    David Huse Princeton University
    Shamit Kachru Stanford University
    Sung-Sik Lee McMaster University/Perimeter Institute
    Hong Liu MIT
    Max Metlitski KITP
    Robert Myers Perimeter Institute
    Hirosi Ooguri Caltech
    Xiao-Liang Qi Stanford University
    Mukund Rangamani Durham University
    Subir Sachdev Harvard University
    Eva Silverstein Stanford University
    Dam Son University of Chicago
    Brian Swingle Harvard University
    Tadashi Takayanagi Kyoto University
    Ashvin Vishwanath UC Berkeley
    Beni Yoshida Caltech

    (Download Participants PDF)

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