The Simons Collaboration on Ocean Processes and Ecology (SCOPE) aimed to advance our understanding of the biology, biogeochemistry, ecology and evolution of microbial processes at a representative ocean benchmark, Station ALOHA, located in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre (NPSG), and at transition zones on the edges of the NPSG. SCOPE studied the ocean ecosystem in situ, at multiple levels of biological organization (genetic, biochemical, physiological, biogeochemical and ecological), to understand the pathways and exchanges of energy and matter between microbial groups and with their environment at nested spatial and temporal scales, from surface waters to the deep sea.
Collaboration Directors
David Karl, Ph.D. and Edward DeLong, Ph.D. (2014-2020)
David Karl, Ph.D. and E. Virginia Armbrust, Ph.D. (2020-2024)
Principal Investigators
Randelle Bundy, Ph.D.
David Caron, Ph.D.
Sallie Chisholm, Ph.D.
Matthew Church, Ph.D.
Sonya Dyhrman, Ph.D.
Zoe Finkel, Ph.D.
Michael Follows, Ph.D.
Anitra Ingalls, Ph.D.
Andrew Irwin, Ph.D.
Seth John, Ph.D.
Laurie Juranek, Ph.D.
Debbie Lindell, Ph.D.
Daniel Repeta, Ph.D.
Benjamin Van Mooy, Ph.D.
Joshua Weitz, Ph.D.
Angelicque White, Ph.D.
Jonathan Zehr, Ph.D.
SCOPE Scholars
Bryndan Durham, Ph.D.
Nicholas Hawco, Ph.D.
Oscar Sosa, Ph.D.
Chris Follett, Ph.D.