The Simons Collaboration on the Origins of Life aimed to advance our understanding of the processes that led to the emergence of life through collaborative, multidisciplinary research. The collaboration comprised investigators and postdoctoral fellows in diverse fields, whose research addressed critical questions regarding origins.
Collaboration Directors
John Grotzinger, Ph.D. and John Sutherland, Ph.D. (2018-2023)
Dimitar Sasselov, Ph.D. and Jack Szostak, Ph.D. (2013-2018)
Principal Investigators
Donna Blackmond, Ph.D.
Tanja Bosak, Ph.D.
Dieter Braun, Ph.D.
David Catling, Ph.D.
Irene Chen, Ph.D.
Jason Dworkin, Ph.D.
John Eiler, Ph.D.
Woody Fischer, Ph.D.
Greg Fournier, Ph.D.
Wilhelm Huck, Ph.D.
Joel Hurowitz, Ph.D.
Gerald Joyce, Ph.D.
Ram Krishnamurthy, Ph.D.
Sheref Mansy, Ph.D.
Karin Oberg, Ph.D.
Matthew Powner, Ph.D.
Didier Queloz, Ph.D.
Sarah Stewart, Ph.D.
Roger Summons, Ph.D.
Alexis Templeton, Ph.D.
George Whitesides, Ph.D.