Jared Goldberg, Ph.D.

Flatiron Research Fellow, Stars and Plasma Astrophysics, CCA, Flatiron Institute

Jared Goldberg is excited to join the Center for Computational Astrophysics as a Flatiron Research Fellow after many years in starry Southern California. Jared earned his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and his Bachelors in Physics and Philosophy (double major) from Claremont McKenna College. During his Ph.D., he received the UC Regents Fellowship (2016-17), NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2018-2022), Chair’s Appreciation Award for service and outreach (2021), among other honors. He is passionate about teaching and outreach in addition to research, and as part of the Stars and Plasma Astrophysics Group, Jared will leverage computational modeling to understand the structure and evolution of massive stars, and relate that structure to the observable emission in their dynamic lives and explosive deaths.

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