Jennifer Cano joined the Flatiron Institute in 2018 as an Affiliated Associate Research Scientist at the Center for Computational Quantum Physics. She is an Assistant Professor at Stony Brook University. She earned a B.S. in physics and mathematics at the University of Virginia in 2009 and a Ph.D. in physics from the University of California Santa Barbara in 2015. She subsequently was a postdoctoral fellow at the Princeton Center for Theoretical Science.
Jen’s research is focused on the classification and discovery of topological phases of matter, ranging from strongly correlated phases with fractionalized excitations to non-interacting topological band structures. She is interested in both predicting material realizations of topological phases as well as their classification and characterization.
Selected Publications
“Topological quantum chemistry,” Barry Bradlyn, L. Elcoro, Jennifer Cano, Maia Garcia Vergniory, Zhijun Wang, C. Felser, M. I. Aroyo and B. A. Bernevig, Nature 547, 298–305 (2017)
“Beyond Dirac and Weyl fermions,” Barry Bradlyn, Jennifer Cano, Zhijun Wang, M. G. Vergniory, C. Felser, R. J. Cava and B. A. Bernevig, Science 353, 6299 (2016)
“Chirality-protected Majorana zero modes at the gapless edge of Abelian quantum Hall states,” Jennifer Cano, Meng Cheng, Maissam Barkeshli, David J. Clarke and Chetan Nayak, Phys Rev B 92, 195152 (2015)
“Bulk-edge correspondence in 2+1-dimensional Abelian topological phases,” Jennifer Cano, Meng Cheng, Michael Mulligan, Chetan Nayak, Eugeniu Plamadeala and Jon Yard, Phys Rev B 89, 115116 (2014)