Lucia Perez, Ph.D.

Flatiron Research Fellow, Galaxy Formation, CCA, Flatiron InstituteLucia Perez’s website

Lucia Perez joined the Center for Computational Astrophysics (CCA) as a Flatiron Research Fellow in August 2023, after beginning her postdoctoral research at Princeton University as a Future Faculty in the Physical Sciences Fellow. Perez completed her Ph.D. in astrophysics from Arizona State University in 2022, focusing on the clustering of Lyman Alpha Emitters and reionization. During this time she mostly worked out of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center thanks to the development of the Roman Space Telescope. Perez was a part of the CCA pre-doctoral program in fall 2020, where she began her work with CAMELS-SAM. This line of research led to her current focus on the galaxy-halo connection, in which she creates simulations and galaxy catalogs at scale and uses machine learning to constrain cosmology and astrophysics. Past research experiences have also taken her to South Africa on a Fulbright Fellowship, to Germany to work with LOFAR, to NASA Marshall for a bout with planetary science, and to Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to contribute to dark matter detection efforts. Perez earned her bachelor’s degree from Wellesley College.

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