Nikolay Prokof’ev, Ph.D.

University of Massachusetts AmherstNikolay Prokof'ev’s website
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Nikolay Prokof’ev is Professor of Physics at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst since 1999. He received his M.Sc. in Theoretical Physics from Moscow Engineering Physics Institute in 1982 (Recombination of Atomic Hydrogen in H2 Crystals) and Ph.D. from Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, in 1987 (Tunneling Motion of Heavy Particles in Metals) — both under Yuri Kagan. Prokof’ev’s research interests are in the areas of Monte Carlo methods for strongly correlated states of bosonic, fermionic and spin systems; superfluidity and superconductivity; critical phenomena; and mechanisms of decoherence. He is co-inventor of the worm algorithm and diagrammatic Monte Carlo. He is a Fellow of American Physical Society and division associate editor for PRL.

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