Shaul Druckmann, Ph.D.

Janelia Research CampusShaul Druckmann’s website
Portrait photo of Shaul Druckmann

Shaul Druckmann received a bachelor of science degree in physics and the Amirim honors program in the humanities from Hebrew University, Jerusalem. He then received his Ph.D. in computational neuroscience in the interdisciplinary center for neural computation in Jerusalem. Druckmann started his postdoctoral research at the Janelia Farm Research Campus in 2010 and became a lab head at Janelia in 2013. He moved to Stanford University in 2017. Druckmann’s research focuses on understanding the relationship between neural population dynamics, the information processing performed by the circuit and the underlying structure of a circuit. His work combines approaches from nonlinear dynamics, signal processing and machine learning.

Current Project: Multi-regional neuronal dynamics of memory-guided flexible behavior

Past Project: Dynamics of neural circuits, representation of information and behavior

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