Yuan-Nan Young, Ph.D.

Professor, Mathematical Sciences, New Jersey Institute of TechnologyYuan-Nan Young’s website
Portrait photo of Yuan-Nan Young

Yuan-Nan Young is a professor in applied math at New Jersey Institute of Technology. Trained as a fluid dynamicist in astrophysical and geophysical flows at the University of Chicago, he worked on instability and turbulence in stratified fluids for his PhD in astrophysics. After graduation in 2000, he focused on nonlinear pattern formation in fluid dynamics and has worked on interfacial flow and fluid-structure interactions at low Reynolds number in the biological context since 2004, when he joined NJIT as faculty in applied math. He has recently worked on complex flows that involve vesicles, surfactant, fluid-elastic material interactions, electrokinetics and electrohydrodynamics. He also works on novel numerical schemes to simulate fluid-structure interactions. Motivated by complicated process (such as mechanosensing), he uses simple examples to illustrate the possible roles of hydrodynamics in the context of biophysics. Currently he has been working on flows in a deformable poroelastic medium, and active fluids enclosed by a deformable interface in Mike Shelley’s group in the Center for Computational Biology at the Flatiron Institute.

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