Announcing the 2024 Simons Early Career Investigators in Aquatic Microbial Ecology and Evolution

The Simons Foundation and Simons Foundation International have named five scientists as 2024 Simons Early Career Investigators in Aquatic Microbial Ecology and Evolution. The three-year awards are intended to help launch the careers of outstanding investigators in this area.

These grants will be funded by the Simons Foundation and Simons Foundation International and administered by the Simons Foundation.

  • Natalie Cohen of the University of Georgia
    Tracking shifts in phytoplankton iron physiology along a continental shelf gradient
  • Xuefeng Peng of the University of South Carolina
    Fungal contribution to benthic nitrogen and carbon cycling in a productive ocean basin
  • Aaron Puri of the University of Utah
    The molecular basis of cross-feeding specificity in a bacterial community
  • Jing Yan of Yale University
    Deciphering spatiotemporal dynamics of protist-biofilm systems
  • Emily Zakem of the Carnegie Institution for Science
    Ecological control of nitrogen loss in dynamic marine anoxic zones
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