Ultra-Cold Fermionic Atoms

  • Organized by
  • Portrait photo of Antoine GeorgesAntoine Georges, Ph.D.Director, Center for Computational Quantum Physics, Flatiron Institute
  • Portrait photo of Shiwei ZhangShiwei Zhang, Ph.D.Senior Research Scientist/Group Leader, CCQ, Flatiron Institute
Date & Time

  • Agenda: April 29plus--large


    8:00- 9:00AMBreakfast
    9:00-9:15 (15)Welcome
    9:15-10:00 (45)Markus Greiner (Harvard University)Programmable Fermi-Hubbard Quantum Simulation - From Nagaoka Magnetism to Lieb Lattices and Paths to Ultralow Temperature
    10:00- 10:45 (45)Eugene Demler (ETH Zurich)Exploring the Fermi Hubbard model in square and triangular lattices with ultracold atoms
    10:45-11:45 (1hr)Break
    11:45-12:30 (45)Waseem Bakr (Princeton University)Directly imaging spin polarons in a kinetically frustrated Hubbard system
    12:30- 2:00 (1.5hr)Lunch
    2:00-2:45 (45)Hennig Moritz (University of Hamburg)Fermionic superfluids in two and three dimensions
    5:15- 6:00 (45)Annabelle Bohrdt (University of Regensburg)Probes for pairing in Fermi-Hubbard type model
    6:00-8:30Reception and Dinner
  • Agenda: April 30plus--large


    8:00- 9:00 AMBreakfast
    9:00-9:45 (45)Martin Zwierlein (MIT)Fermion Pairs and Loners in the Attractive Hubbard Gas
    9:45-10:30 (45)Chunhan Feng (CCQ)Characterizing correlations in the spin-imbalanced attractive Hubbard model: synergy with quantum gas microscopy
    10:30-11:15 (45)Break
    11:15-12:30 (1 hr 15m)Round Table DiscussionState of computation and theoretical wish list
    12:30- 1:15 PM (45)Christian Gross (University of Tübingen)Exploring pathways to lower temperatures for ultracold fermions
    1:15-2:45 (1.5hr)Lunch
    2:45- 3:15 (30)Poster Introductions (1m each)
    3:15-5:45 (2.5hr)Poster Session & Coffee Break
  • Agenda: May 1plus--large


    8:00- 9:00AMBreakfast
    9:00-9:45 (45)Jean-Philippe Brantut (EPFL)Emergence of density-waves in a unitary Fermi gas with long-range interactions
    9:45- 10:30 (45)Xia-Ji Liu (Swinburne University of Technology)Theory of Fermi polarons with multi-particle-hole excitations
    10:30-11:30 (1hr)Break
    11:30-12:15 (45)Peter Schauss (University of Virginia)Quantum gas microscopy of frustrated Hubbard systems
    12:15- 1:45 PM (1.5hr)Lunch
    1:45-2:30 (45)Thierry Giamarchi (University of Geneva)Quantum transport and cold atomic gases
    2:30-3:15 (45)Wolfgang Ketterle (MIT)Spin physics with ultracold atoms
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