Flatiron Institute Idea Scholar Program
We invite applications for the 2025–2026 Flatiron Institute Idea Scholar program. Idea Scholars are distinguished scientists who are invited to spend extended visits at the Flatiron Institute. They have strong scientific overlap with one or more of the Flatiron centers and a particular interest in developing scientific talent in the workforce and enabling pathways to science.
Idea Scholars may engage in a variety of activities while in residence, such as working on scientific projects, starting new scientific collaborations, mentoring junior scientists, interacting with Flatiron scientific staff, giving talks and seminars, and organizing or participating in workshops, career development events and outreach activities. Scholars may propose activities that they wish to lead or to participate in during their residency. Although the scholars’ own scientific activities are likely to be anchored within one of the Flatiron centers, some activities might be Flatiron-wide. Additional financial and administrative support will be provided upon request to support activities such as workshops.
Program Requirements and Funding Level: Idea Scholars will spend four weeks at the Flatiron Institute (longer visits may be possible). They may come for one long visit or multiple visits of at least one week each that are spread over a period of up to two years. Travel expenses will be covered and a stipend will be provided to pay for local expenses. A fixed supplement to support caregiving responsibilities can be requested. Approximately six scholars per year will be selected across the Flatiron Institute. Scholars may propose to have a junior colleague, such as a student or postdoc, accompany them for part or all of their visit to the Flatiron Institute. Expenses will be covered for this visit as well.
Idea Scholars will be invited to present a lecture on their research to the Flatiron community, and may be offered the opportunity to optionally participate in public outreach activities organized by the Simons Foundation. Scholars will be expected to submit a brief exit report on their activities while in residence at the Flatiron Institute.
Eligibility: Idea Scholars must hold the rank of at least assistant professor or equivalent in a scientific discipline, though they need not be computational scientists. Applicants should have strong potential scientific overlap or synergy with staff at one or more of the Flatiron centers and a developing scientific talent in the workforce and enabling pathways to science.
Required Application Materials: The following materials should be submitted no later than January 3, 2025, for visits starting from June 2025 – May 2026. Invitations will be extended by early February 2025.
- Completed application form
- Curriculum vitae (maximum three pages) and publication list
- Proposal: a statement of up to two pages on potential areas for scientific collaboration, and which centers and staff members the applicant is interested in interacting with at the Flatiron Institute. As part of the statement, applicants may, if they wish, propose activities that they would organize while in residence. The statement may, at the candidate’s discretion, include a description of interests and past engagement in developing scientific talent in the workforce and enabling pathways to science.
- Names and contact information for three references
For more information, please see https://www.simonsfoundation.org/flatiron/idea_scholar_program/.