2005 Publications

The chemical enrichment of the Milky Way disk evaluated using conditional abundances

B. Ratcliffe, M. Ness

Chemical abundances of stars in the Milky Way disk are empirical tracers of its enrichment history. However, they capture joint-information that is valuable to disentangle. In this work, we seek to quantify how individual abundances evolve across the present-day radius of the disk, at fixed supernovae contribution ([Fe/H], [Mg/Fe]). We use 18,135 APOGEE DR17 red clump stars and 7,943 GALAH DR3 main sequence stars to compare the abundance distributions conditioned on ([Fe/H], [Mg/Fe]) across 3−13 kpc and 6.5−9.5 kpc, respectively. In total we examine 15 elements: C, N, Al, K (light), O, Si, S, Ca, (α), Mn, Ni, Cr, Cu, (iron-peak) Ce, Ba (s-process) and Eu (r-process). We find that the conditional neutron capture and light elements most significantly trace variations in the disk's enrichment history, with absolute conditional radial gradients ≤0.03 dex/kpc. The other elements studied have absolute conditional gradients ≲0.01 dex/kpc. We uncover structured conditional abundance variations as a function of [Fe/H] for the low-α, but not the high-α sequence. The average scatter between the mean conditional abundances at different radii is σintrinsic≈ 0.02 dex (with Ce, Eu, Ba σintrinsic> 0.05 dex). These results serve as a measure of the magnitude via which different elements trace Galactic radial enrichment history once fiducial supernovae correlations are accounted for. Furthermore, we uncover subtle systematic variations in all moments of the conditional abundance distributions that will presumably constrain chemical evolution models of the Galaxy.

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June 6, 2022

The In Situ Origins of Dwarf Stellar Outskirts in FIRE-2

E. Kado-Fong, R. Sanderson, J. E. Greene, E. Cunningham, C. Wheeler, T. K. Chan, K. El-Brady, P. F. Hopkins, A. Wetzel, M. Boylan-Kolchin, C-A. Faucher-Giguère, S. Huang, E. Quataert, T. Starkenburg

Extended, old, and round stellar halos appear to be ubiquitous around high-mass dwarf galaxies (108.5 < M⋆/M⊙ < 109.6) in the observed universe. However, it is unlikely that these dwarfs have undergone a sufficient number of minor mergers to form stellar halos that are composed of predominantly accreted stars. Here, we demonstrate that FIRE-2 (Feedback in Realistic Environments) cosmological zoom-in simulations are capable of producing dwarf galaxies with realistic structures, including both a thick disk and round stellar halo. Crucially, these stellar halos are formed in situ, largely via the outward migration of disk stars. However, there also exists a large population of "nondisky" dwarfs in FIRE-2 that lack a well-defined disk/halo and do not resemble the observed dwarf population. These nondisky dwarfs tend to be either more gas-poor or to have burstier recent star formation histories than the disky dwarfs, suggesting that star formation feedback may be preventing disk formation. Both classes of dwarfs underscore the power of a galaxy's intrinsic shape—which is a direct quantification of the distribution of the galaxy's stellar content—to interrogate the feedback implementation in simulated galaxies.

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Analytic Light Curves in Reflected Light: Phase Curves, Occultations, and Non-Lambertian Scattering for Spherical Planets and Moons

R. Luger, Eric Agol, F. Bartolić, D. Foreman-Mackey

We derive efficient, closed-form, differentiable, and numerically stable solutions for the flux measured from a spherical planet or moon seen in reflected light, either in or out of occultation. Our expressions apply to the computation of scattered light phase curves of exoplanets, secondary eclipse light) curves in the optical, or future measurements of planet–moon and planet–planet occultations, as well as to photometry of solar system bodies. We derive our solutions for Lambertian bodies illuminated by a point source, but extend them to model illumination sources of finite angular size and rough surfaces with phase-dependent scattering. Our algorithm is implemented in Python within the open-source starry mapping framework and is designed with efficient gradient-based inference in mind. The algorithm is ∼4–5 orders of magnitude faster than direct numerical evaluation methods and ∼10 orders of magnitude more precise. We show how the techniques developed here may one day lead to the construction of two-dimensional maps of terrestrial planet surfaces, potentially enabling the detection of continents and oceans on exoplanets in the habitable zone.

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Cosmological Information in the Marked Power Spectrum of the Galaxy Field

B. Régaldo-Saint Blancard, M. Eickenberg, Elena Massara, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, ChangHoon Hahn, Muntazir M. Abidi, Shirley Ho, Pablo Lemos, Azadeh Moradinezhad Dizgah

Marked power spectra are two-point statistics of a marked field obtained by weighting each location with a function that depends on the local density around that point. We consider marked power spectra of the galaxy field in redshift space that up-weight low density regions, and perform a Fisher matrix analysis to assess the information content of this type of statistics using the Molino mock catalogs built upon the Quijote simulations. We identify four different ways to up-weight the galaxy field, and compare the Fisher information contained in their marked power spectra to the one of the standard galaxy power spectrum, when considering monopole and quadrupole of each statistic. Our results show that each of the four marked power spectra can tighten the standard power spectrum constraints on the cosmological parameters Om, Ob, h, ns, Mν by 15−25 and on s8 by a factor of 2. The same analysis performed by combining the standard and four marked power spectra shows a substantial improvement compared to the power spectrum constraints that is equal to a factor of 6 for σ8 and 2.5−3 for the other parameters. Our constraints may be conservative, since the galaxy number density in the Molino catalogs is much lower than the ones in future galaxy surveys, which will allow them to probe lower density regions of the large-scale structure.

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All-sky, all-frequency directional search for persistent gravitational-waves from Advanced LIGO’s and Advanced Virgo’s first three observing runs

The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Virgo Collaboration, the KAGRA Collaboration, R. Abbott, T. D. Abbott, F. Acernese, ..., T. Callister, ..., W. Farr, ..., M. Isi, ..., Rodrigo Luger, ..., Y. Levin, et. al.

We present the first results from an all-sky all-frequency (ASAF) search for an anisotropic stochastic gravitational-wave background using the data from the first three observing runs of the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo detectors. Upper limit maps on broadband anisotropies of a persistent stochastic background were published for all observing runs of the LIGO-Virgo detectors. However, a broadband analysis is likely to miss narrowband signals as the signal-to-noise ratio of a narrowband signal can be significantly reduced when combined with detector output from other frequencies. Data folding and the computationally efficient analysis pipeline, {\tt PyStoch}, enable us to perform the radiometer map-making at every frequency bin. We perform the search at 3072 {\tt{HEALPix}} equal area pixels uniformly tiling the sky and in every frequency bin of width 1/32~Hz in the range 20−1726~Hz, except for bins that are likely to contain instrumental artefacts and hence are notched. We do not find any statistically significant evidence for the existence of narrowband gravitational-wave signals in the analyzed frequency bins. Therefore, we place 95% confidence upper limits on the gravitational-wave strain for each pixel-frequency pair, the limits are in the range (0.030−9.6)×10−24. In addition, we outline a method to identify candidate pixel-frequency pairs that could be followed up by a more sensitive (and potentially computationally expensive) search, e.g., a matched-filtering-based analysis, to look for fainter nearly monochromatic coherent signals. The ASAF analysis is inherently independent of models describing any spectral or spatial distribution of power. We demonstrate that the ASAF results can be appropriately combined over frequencies and sky directions to successfully recover the broadband directional and isotropic results.

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Cosmological Information in the Marked Power Spectrum of the Galaxy Field

E. Massara, F. Villaescusa-Navarro, CH. Hahn, M. M. Abidi, M. Eickenberg, S. Ho, P. Lemos, A. M. Dizgah, B. Régaldo-Saint Blancard

Marked power spectra are two-point statistics of a marked field obtained by weighting each location with a function that depends on the local density around that point. We consider marked power spectra of the galaxy field in redshift space that up-weight low density regions, and perform a Fisher matrix analysis to assess the information content of this type of statistics using the Molino mock catalogs built upon the Quijote simulations. We identify four different ways to up-weight the galaxy field, and compare the Fisher information contained in their marked power spectra to the one of the standard galaxy power spectrum, when considering monopole and quadrupole of each statistic. Our results show that each of the four marked power spectra can tighten the standard power spectrum constraints on the cosmological parameters $$\Omega m, \Omega b, h, n_s, M_ν by 15−25% and on \sigma_8$$ by a factor of 2. The same analysis performed by combining the standard and four marked power spectra shows a substantial improvement compared to the power spectrum constraints that is equal to a factor of 6 for σ8 and 2.5−3 for the other parameters. Our constraints may be conservative, since the galaxy number density in the Molino catalogs is much lower than the ones in future galaxy surveys, which will allow them to probe lower density regions of the large-scale structure.

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Constraining the length and pattern speed of the Milky Way bar from direct orbit integration of APOGEE and Gaia data

M. Lucey, S. Pearson, J. Hunt, K. Hawkins, M. Ness, M. S. Petersen, A. Price-Whelan, M. D. Weinberg

The dynamics of the inner Galaxy contain crucial clues for untangling the evolutionary history of the Milky Way. However, the inner Galaxy's gravitational potential is poorly constrained, partly because the length of the Galactic bar is currently under debate with length estimates ranging from 3.5-5 kpc. We present a novel method for constraining the length and pattern speed of the Galactic bar using 6D phase space information to directly integrate orbits. We verify our method with N-body simulations and find that the maximal extent of orbits in the bar is not always consistent with that of the potential used to calculate the orbits. It is only consistent when the length of the bar in said potential is similar to the N-body model from which the initial positions and velocities of the stars are sampled. When we apply the orbit integration method to ≈210,000 stars in APOGEE DR17 and Gaia eDR3 data, we find a self-consistent result only for potential models with a dynamical bar length of ≈3.5 kpc and pattern speed of 39 km/s/kpc. We find the Milky Way's trapped bar orbits extend out to only ≈3.5 kpc, but there is also an overdensity of stars at the end of the bar out to 4.8 kpc which could be related to an attached spiral arm. We also find that the measured orbital structure of the bar is strongly dependent on the properties of the assumed potential.

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June 3, 2022

Molecular Characterization of Membranous Nephropathy

R. Sealfon, Laura Mariani, J. Funk, A. Wong, O. Troyanskaya

Although membranous nephropathy (MN) is one of the most common causes of nephrotic syndrome, the molecular characteristics of the kidney damage in MN remain poorly defined. In this study, the authors applied a machine-learning framework to predict diagnosis on the basis of gene expression in microdissected kidney tissue from patients with glomerulonephropathies. They found that MN has a glomerular transcriptional signature that distinguishes it from other glomerulonephropathies and identified a set of MN-specific genes differentially expressed across two independent cohorts and robustly recovered in an additional validation cohort. They also found the MN-specific genes are enriched in targets of transcription factor NF-κB and are predominantly expressed in podocytes. This work provides a molecular snapshot of MN and elucidates transcriptional alterations specific to this disease.

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Strongly correlated electron–photon systems

Jacqueline Bloch, Andrea Cavalleri, V. Galitski, M. Hafezi, A. Rubio
An important goal of modern condensed-matter physics involves the search for states of matter with emergent properties and desirable functionalities. Although the tools for material design remain relatively limited, notable advances have been recently achieved by controlling interactions at heterointerfaces, precise alignment of low-dimensional materials and the use of extreme pressures. Here we highlight a paradigm based on controlling light--matter interactions, which provides a way to manipulate and synthesize strongly correlated quantum matter. We consider the case in which both electron--electron and electron--photon interactions are strong and give rise to a variety of phenomena. Photon-mediated superconductivity, cavity fractional quantum Hall physics and optically driven topological phenomena in low dimensions are among the frontiers discussed in this Perspective, which highlights a field that we term here `strongly correlated electron--photon science'.
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June 1, 2022

Probing phonon dynamics with multidimensional high harmonic carrier-envelope-phase spectroscopy

Ofer Neufeld, Jin Zhang, Umberto De Giovannini, Hannes Hübener, A. Rubio
We explore pump-probe high harmonic generation (HHG) from monolayer hexagonal-Boron-Nitride, where a terahertz pump excites coherent optical phonons that are subsequently probed by an intense infrared pulse that drives HHG. We find, through state-of-the-art ab-initio calculations, that the structure of the emission spectrum is attenuated by the presence of coherent phonons, and is no longer comprised of discrete harmonic orders, but rather of a continuous emission in the plateau region. The HHG yield strongly oscillates as a function of the pump-probe delay, corresponding to ultrafast changes in the lattice such as bond compression or stretching. We further show that in the regime where the excited phonon period and the pulse duration are of the same order of magnitude, the HHG process becomes sensitive to the carrier-envelope-phase (CEP) of the driving field, even though the pulse duration is so long that no such sensitivity is observed in the absence of coherent phonons. The degree of CEP sensitivity vs. pump-probe delay is shown to be a highly selective measure for instantaneous structural changes in the lattice, providing a new approach for ultrafast multi-dimensional HHG-spectroscopy. Remarkably, the obtained temporal resolution for phonon dynamics is 1 femtosecond, which is much shorter than the probe pulse duration because of the inherent sub-cycle contrast mechanism. Our work paves the way towards novel routes of probing phonons and ultrafast material structural changes and provides a mechanism for controlling the high harmonic response.
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