Targeted Grants to Institutes

Important Dates
  • Application Deadline:
    12 p.m. (noon) EDT
  • Notification By:
  • Award Start Date
    No later than July 1, 2025
Important Dates
  • Application Deadline:
    12 p.m. (noon) EDT
  • Notification By:
  • Award Start Date
    No later than July 1, 2025
Contact Info

The Simons Foundation’s Mathematics and Physical Sciences (MPS) division invites applications for the Targeted Grants to Institutes program. Please note that in the event of budgetary or other considerations, The Simons Foundation, Inc. reserves the right to refer an application to The Simons Foundation International, Ltd. (SFI) for consideration and funding, in which case SFI’s grant policies would apply.

The foundation strongly encourages the participation of scientists from underrepresented groups.


The program is intended to support established institutes or centers in mathematics, theoretical physics and theoretical computer science through funding to help strengthen contacts within the international scientific community. Our aim is to enable institutes to extend and enhance their missions; this program will not provide primary support for operating or establishing an institute.

Level and Duration of Funding

The Targeted Grants to Institutes program provides funding for up to three years and up to $250,000 per year, which includes up to 20 percent of direct costs per year in indirect costs to the institution, per the foundation’s indirect cost policy. Awards can begin no earlier than January 1, 2025, and must begin no later than July 1, 2025. For awards beginning January 1, 2025, awards will be retroactively started and grant funds available no sooner than March 2025. Awards will not be considered for renewal. Awardees can reapply to the Targeted Grants to Institutes program for new funding for a period after their current award ends.

Allowable Expenses

The funding provided is flexible and based on the type of support requested by the institution in the proposal. Please see the Simons Foundation’s grant policies for further guidelines.

Eligibility Requirements

Applications may be submitted by established U.S. and foreign public and private educational and nonprofit institutes and research centers. The program is not intended to support institutes or centers whose main purpose is to provide a focal point for research of faculty at a specific university. This program will not support national labs, or the equivalent, with a primary focus on experiments.

Number of Awards

The foundation expects to award up to five grants each year.

How to Apply

Applications must be submitted via the Simons Award Manager (SAM), The deadline to apply is October 3, 2024, 12 p.m. (noon) EDT.

Please refer to the How to Apply tab for further instructions.

Our Commitment to Expanding Pathways to Science and Opportunities for All

Many of the greatest ideas and discoveries come from a diverse mix of minds, backgrounds and experiences. The Simons Foundation is committed to advancing basic science and mathematics to benefit humankind and expand our collective understanding of our world. As part of our mission, we support partners, programs and initiatives that seek to broaden the scientific community and open pathways to science and mathematics careers.

The Simons Foundation provides equal opportunities to all applicants for funding without regard to race, religion, color, age, sex, pregnancy, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic disposition, neurodiversity, disability, veteran status or any other protected category under federal, state and local law.

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Important Dates
  • Application Deadline:
    12 p.m. (noon) EDT
  • Notification By:
  • Award Start Date
    No later than July 1, 2025
Contact Info

The deadline to submit applications is October 3, 2024, at 12 p.m. (noon) EDT. Late applications will not be accepted. Applications must be submitted via the Simons Award Manager (SAM), Please click on the Funding Opportunities icon. Applications should be started and submitted under the applicant’s own account in the Simons Award Manager (SAM). For the Targeted Grants to Institutes application, please click on Create Application and then on Begin Application.

Informational videos on submitting applications in SAM can be found here. Proposal attachments should be single spaced and in a common typeface and font size no smaller than 10 points. Margins must be at least half an inch in all directions.

Please note that in the event of budgetary or other considerations The Simons Foundation, Inc. reserves the right to refer an application to The Simons Foundation International, Ltd. (SFI) for consideration and funding, in which case SFI’s grant policies would apply.

Please complete the application as follows:

  1. Proposal Tab:

    1. Application Details:

      1. Enter the title of the application.
      2. Enter the award start and end dates. These dates will automatically populate in the budget.
    2. Proposal – Upload required files as follows:

      1. Proposal Narrative (six-page limit, plus up to two pages for references and figures, which can be embedded within the text): A summary of the support requested, including the specific scientific goals, background relevant to the application and significance of the proposed support. Up to two letters of support from collaborating institutions can be appended.
      2. Key Personnel Biosketches: a SciENcv or fillable PDF NIH- or NSF-style biosketch is to be uploaded for each individual noted as Project Personnel in the Contacts & Personnel tab outlined below. Please name each PDF as Last Name_First Name_Biosketch.
      3. Current and Pending Support for the Institute: The list should include all financial resources that are available in direct support of the institute’s research endeavors. Formatting is at the institute’s discretion but should include at least the sources and dates of support, brief summary of support and total funding provided.
    3. Indicate the extent to which, if any, generative AI technology was used and how it was used to develop your proposal.
  2. Contacts & Personnel Tab: Please refer to the instructions provided in SAM to add required project personnel and institutional officials. The applicant cannot act as the signing official and/or financial officer. Indicate up to five scientific personnel who will be directly involved in the activities that support is being requested for, as it is known at the proposal stage. If the applicant can be considered scientific personnel, please include them in this section.
  3. Budget Tab: Click the Edit/Modify button to add a detailed, three-year budget in U.S. dollars. Provide justification for each budget line item entered, including all Personnel Costs requested. Please note that the budget justification should be detailed and appropriate for the funds being requested. An insufficient budget justification will result in the proposal not being considered further. Within each budget period, you have the ability to copy the budget and justification from the previous period and then make edits as needed.

    Important: In order for known project personnel to display in the Personnel column drop-down list, you must add them as Project Personnel in the Contacts & Personnel tab of the application as well as add an application role to each personnel using the Add More Details button. You will need to close and reopen the budget for the changes to populate. Do not select TBD in the Personnel drop-down list if the personnel are known. They must be first entered in the Project Personnel section as outlined above. Do not combine personnel on one budget line (e.g. multiple postdocs must be itemized individually).
  4. Check Application Progress: Click the Check Application Progress button to check for any missing required information or files. All missing required information will be listed at the top of the screen and must be corrected before the application can be submitted.
  5. Send for Sign-off: When the application is complete, please click on the ‘Send for sign-off’ button to send to your signing official for signature. You will receive a notification when the application is signed.
  6. Submit Application: When the application is complete, please click on the Submit Application button. A confirmation page will appear once the application is successfully submitted, and the application will now appear in the Submitted tab of the Applications in Progress table. Please note that you will not be able to submit an application if the deadline has passed.
Important Dates
  • Application Deadline:
    12 p.m. (noon) EDT
  • Notification By:
  • Award Start Date
    No later than July 1, 2025
Contact Info
  1. Who should be the PI on the application? plus--large

    The PI/applicant is typically the director of the institute, although this is at the discretion of the institute.

  2. My institution received a Targeted Grant, but it will end this year. Can we reapply for funding?plus--large

    Yes, current awardees whose grant will end this fiscal year are welcome to apply for continued or new funding. The proposal will be competitively reviewed with the other applicants.

  3. Are the selection criteria different for institutes in developing countries?plus--large

    For institutes in developing countries, the foundation will also consider how the grant can help stimulate the progress of science in those countries and how it can help connect developing countries to the scientific mainstream.

  4. May applications come from a center or institute within a larger university, rather than freestanding institutes?plus--large

    Yes, centers and institutes within larger universities are eligible, as long as their main purpose is to support a field by strengthening contacts within the scientific community. Centers and institutes whose primary purpose is to provide a focal point for the research of local faculty at that university are not appropriate for this program.

  5. Are chemistry-focused institutes eligible?plus--large

    Chemistry is outside the purview of the program and the MPS division, which focuses on mathematics, theoretical physics and theoretical computer science.

  6. If my institute is not awarded a targeted grant this year, can we reapply next year?plus--large

    Yes, there is no limit to the number of times an institute can apply.

  7. Can my institute submit more than one application during an application cycle?plus--large

    Yes, there is no limit to the number of applications per institution.

  8. Is the cost of insurance to cover the exchange rate allowed as a direct cost?plus--large

    No, this would not be an allowable cost.


The Simons Foundation is pleased to announce the 2025 Targeted Grants to Institutes RFA awardees. These grants will be funded by the Simons Foundation International and administered by the Simons Foundation.

Instituto Balseiro

The Simons Foundation will provide funding for international schools and research workshops, with the primary goal of international collaboration and career development of students and young researchers.

Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics

Funding from the Simons Foundation will support the participation of young researchers, particularly from disadvantaged backgrounds, in the thematic semesters held at the Erdős Center.

Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics

The foundation will continue its support of ICTP via funding for the successful Simons Associates program, a new sabbatical program, and a global science portal to connect all ICTP activities across their community of researchers.

Dark Universe Science Center at the University of Washington

The Simons Foundation’s grant will support a mentorship-focused postdoctoral program, an anchor postdoctoral fellow, and a postdoctoral program conference in the third year of the program.

Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences

The Simons Foundation will provide continued funding to support the Simons Semesters at the Banach Center.

Centre International de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées

Funding from the Simons Foundation will again support fellowships and collaborative workshops for young mathematicians in developing countries.


American Physical Society

The Simons Foundation will support a pilot travel grant program at the American Physical Society that will provide travel funds for research-active physics faculty to pursue external collaborations. Awards will be directed toward faculty in non-doctorate-granting academic departments, faculty at minority serving institutions and faculty who are not currently in tenure-track positions.

International Center for Mathematical Sciences-Sofia (ICMS-Sofia)

The foundation will provide support to the ICMS-Sofia to support the hiring of four leading world scientists who will create their own research groups covering different fields of the contemporary fundamental and applied mathematics, as well as the organization of several international conferences to create new long-term collaborations among scientists in Southeastern Europe and the organization of joint workshops with leading international institutions.

Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences at the University of Cambridge

The Simons Foundation will provide additional funding to continue and strengthen the Simons Fellowship Program at the Isaac Newton Institute (INI). The INI is known to encourage and support the highest quality research in the mathematical sciences by giving researchers, especially early-career researchers, personal access to world leaders in their own or related fields.

Hamilton Mathematics Institute at Trinity College Dublin

The Simons Foundation will continue to provide funding to the Hamilton Math Institute (HMI), which will support four visiting professors in mathematics and theoretical physics, as well as two postdoctoral fellows in such disciplines. The Simons Visiting Scholars program will be used to support participation by under-represented minorities at HMI workshops/conferences and will allow Simons Visiting Professors to invite visitors during their time at HMI.

Galileo Galilei Institute at the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

The mission of The Galileo Galilei Institute (GGI) is to offer long-term visiting positions for experienced scientists and early-stage researchers that can develop research projects beyond the time scale of the programs taking place at the Institute. With the support of the Simons Foundation, the Simons Visiting Program at GGI will allow the institute to provide the international theoretical physics community with services presently unavailable to improve participation of researchers and students coming from developing countries and other disadvantaged environments.

International Mathematical Union

The Simons Foundation will support the International Mathematical Union-Simons Research Fellowship Program for Developing Countries, allowing mathematicians based in developing countries to undertake collaborative mathematical research at mathematical institutions outside their home country and thereby strengthen their interactions within the international mathematical community.


The Simons Emmy Noether Fellows Program, Perimeter Institute

The foundation will provide additional funding to the Perimeter Institute to continue the support of the Simons Emmy Noether Fellows Program, which is designed to provide a strategic boost to outstanding early- and mid-career female physicists. While resident at Perimeter for periods of up to one year, Fellows are able to pursue their research intensively, free of teaching and administrative duties, and to develop new international peer networks.

Associação Instituto Internacional de Física

The mission of the International Institute of Physics (IIP), located in Brazil, is to promote regular scientific programs, attract excellent visitors from all over the world and produce research in frontier areas of theoretical physics. The foundation will support theoretical research in quantum information, quantum matter and high energy physics, including funding fellowships for junior researchers and visiting professors.

Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, Université de Montréal

The Simons Foundation will continue to provide funding to the Simons CRM Scholars program, which will allow the CRM to invite junior- and senior-level researchers for extended visits.


Simons-NYU Science Explorations Summer Program

The foundation has partnered with NYU to support the Simons-NYU Science Explorations Summer Program, to bring together students from diverse backgrounds with a passion for the physical and life sciences. The goal of the program is to introduce students to college-level scientific concepts while giving them a traditional 4-year-college experience, and providing networking and mentorship opportunities with some of today’s most innovative researchers. During the course of this program, students will participate in lectures and labs led by some of the world’s leading scientists in NYU’s biology, chemistry, neural science, physics, and psychology departments.

Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences

The Simons Foundation will provide funding to the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences at the University of British Columbia to support postdoctoral fellows, a summer research program in mathematics, a scholars exchange program, and travel support for scientists to attend the Pacific Rim Mathematical Association Congress in 2022.

William I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute

The foundation will provide funding to the William I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities to support summer schools in condensed-matter physics, particle physics, and astrophysics and cosmology, long-term visitors, working groups, and rapid response workshops organized on current hot topics in theoretical physics.

Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Education

The foundation’s award will provide funding to the institute for astrophysicists to attend workshops and summer schools, to collaborate on computational modeling and data analysis, and to support young scientists, including research internships for college students and postdoctoral fellows.


ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research

The Simons Foundation will again provide funding to the ICTP-SAIFR to supplement funding to two Simons-FAPESP (Sao Paulo State Research Funding Agency) tenure-track professors for three additional years.

MATRIX (Australia)

MATRIX is a residential research institute for the mathematical sciences. The Simons Foundation funding will support a variety of MATRIX-Simons programs, including extended visits of international scholars, the participation of early-career researchers in MATRIX programs, engagement with other institutions and external partners, and assisting the travel of researchers and their families to MATRIX.

Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS) at Rutgers University

The foundation’s award will support the Simons Postdoctoral Leadership Initiative, which, over a three-year period, will host four Simons Postdoctoral Leaders to conduct research in either theoretical computer science or the foundations of data science and artificial intelligence.


P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Funding will support Lebedev Physical Institute’s Summer School of Modern Astrophysics (SOMA) via student and lecturer fellowships. SOMA is designed for the scientific growth of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in astronomy and astrophysics.

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences of Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (ICTS-TIFR)

Simons Foundation funding will establish Simons Early Career Fellowships, enabling some of the best young researchers to become tenure-track faculty at ICTS. Additionally, the award will continue current support for Simons Visiting Scholars and Simons Visiting Chair Professors. Funds will also be used toward special program initiatives.

Banach Center of the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IMPAM)

The foundation will continue to provide funding to the Banach Center to support Simons Semesters, in which distinguished senior researchers and outstanding young researchers are appointed as Simons Semester Fellows to come to IMPAN to lead long-term programs in forefront research areas.

The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences

Simons Foundation funding will be used to establish the Simons Distinguished Visitors Program, which will support the participation of outstanding and globally recognized mathematicians in the Fields’ thematic programs.

The Centre International de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (CIMPA)

The Simons Foundation will support CIMPA courses, whereby mathematics departments or laboratories in developing countries can apply to CIMPA for funding to invite external researchers to deliver courses to local students or researchers. The funding will also create CIMPA-SIMONS Fellows, supporting young mathematicians from developing countries in long-term thematic programs in mathematics at CIMPA.


Park City Mathematics Institute at the Institute for Advanced Study

The Simons Foundation will provide funding to the Park City Mathematics Institute to support the six programs that are part of their annual three-week residential summer program.

Institute of Mathematical Sciences of the Americas at the University of Miami

The University of Miami Department of Mathematics will create and manage the Institute of Mathematical Sciences of the Americas (IMSA), with the goal of building a cohesive mathematical community for the Americas. Intensive, two-year-long research working groups, semester emphasis programs and hot-topic workshops will be key components of IMSA’s work.

Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences at the University of Cambridge

The Simons Foundation will continue to provide funding to the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences to expand upon the Simons Fellowship Program to support more fellows, provide per diem and travel support, and allow fellows to be appointed to short programs, with the condition that they must stay for the full duration (four to six weeks).

Instituto de Matemáticas at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)

Funding will go to support Casa Matemática Oaxaca (CMO), a recently created center developed by a partnership between Banff International Research Station (BIRS), UNAM and the Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas. Activities include CMO/BIRS meetings and workshops, research groups, schools and conferences, contributing to the training of U.S.-based mathematical scientists, mostly young researchers, and encouraging interactions with the Mexican, Canadian and Latin American mathematical communities.

Hamilton Mathematics Institute at Trinity College Dublin

The Simons Foundation will continue to provide funding to the Hamilton Mathematics Institute to extend the Simons Visiting Professors, the Simons Postdoctoral Fellows and Simons Visiting Scholars programs. Additionally, funding will support an annual Simons Graduate School focusing on mathematics and theoretical physics in alternating years, offering lectures suitable for graduate students and early-career researchers to benefit Irish and international students. The funds will also support the organization of a Simons Symposia during the final two years of the grant, bringing Irish and international mathematicians and physicists together.

Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences is a leading institute in Russia covering all significant areas of mathematics and mathematical physics. Simons Foundation support will be used toward conference and research visits, a distinguished lecture series and thematic months, combining several events into one series focused on a particular topic.

The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics

The Simons Foundation will continue to support the Simons Associates Program, designed to allow scientists from developing countries to spend extended periods at the ICTP. The grant will also enable Simons Ph.D. students to attend the Ph.D. program at SISSA.


Small Group Collaborations at the American Institute of Mathematics

The American Institute of Mathematics (AIM) advances the frontiers of mathematical knowledge by fostering collaborations among diverse groups of researchers. AIM’s primary scientific programs are weeklong, focused workshops and small research groups called Structured Quartet Research Ensembles (SQuaREs). Simons Foundation funding will go toward increasing the number of SQuaREs held each year.

The Simons Emmy Noether Fellows Program at Perimeter Institute

Perimeter Institute is an independent, resident-based research institution devoted to theoretical physics. The Simons Emmy Noether Fellows Program is designed to provide a strategic boost to outstanding early- and mid-career female physicists. While resident at Perimeter Institute for periods of up to one year, Fellows will be able to pursue their research intensively, free of teaching and administrative duties, and to develop new international peer networks.

The Multifarious Minds Initiative at the Institute for Nuclear Theory at the University of Washington

The Institute for Nuclear Theory offers scientific programs in various areas of nuclear theory, bringing together large numbers of distinguished scientists from around the world. The Multifarious Minds Initiative aims to gather people from a variety of different cultures and backgrounds, with an emphasis on the developing world, providing an environment where young scientists can critically assess promising new ideas.

Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology

The Institute of Mathematics, part of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, is an institution for advanced research in mathematics, promoting mathematical applications in economic and social development and developing scientific cooperation with research institutions in Vietnam and abroad. The Simons Foundation funding will go to support thematic programs, conferences and workshops, scientific schools for graduate students, and a postdoctoral fellows program, aiming to strengthen the collaborations between members of the institute and foreign colleagues.


Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics at Brown University

The Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM) develops and hosts research programs and activities that support and broaden the relationship between mathematics and computation. The Simons Foundation will support the Simons Research Professorships at ICERM program, which will provide substantial stipend support for key scientists to be in residence for three months at ICERM. The foundation will also support the programming of hot topic workshops, enabling the institute to respond rapidly to exciting research developments.

Saint Petersburg Department of V.A. Steklov Institute of Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Saint Petersburg Department of V.A. Steklov Mathematical Institute is an independent institute within the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Simons Foundation will support thematic programs, conferences and workshops each year, as well as international meetings that include scientific schools for graduate students and new postdoctoral fellows.

Mandelstam Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of the Witwatersrand

The Mandelstam Institute for Theoretical Physics (MITP) aims to encourage discussion and multidisciplinary collaboration between traditionally separated areas of theoretical physics and to provide an environment conducive of quality research. The Simons Foundation funds will go toward improving research competitiveness and international integration of the research activities in South Africa, through supporting month-long visits by leading researchers, joint postdoctoral fellowships and workshops and outreach activities at the MITP.

Centre de Recherches Mathématiques at the Université de Montréal

The Centre de Recherches Mathématiques (CRM) serves as a national center for fundamental research in mathematics and their applications. The Simons Foundation will provide funding to establish the Simons CRM Scholars program, which will allow the CRM to invite junior- and senior-level researchers for extended visits.


Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics at UCLA

The Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) sponsors programs that bring together researchers from different disciplines or from different areas of mathematics with the goal of sparking long-term interdisciplinary collaboration. The Simons Foundation will provide support to enable senior participants to participate in long programs as well as the enhancement of IPAM’s video facility to make lectures more widely accessible.

Niels Bohr International Academy at the University of Copenhagen

The Niels Bohr International Academy (NBIA) is an independent center of excellence hosted by the Niels Bohr Institute. Its mission is to attract the best and brightest to Denmark, to an environment that enables breakthrough research in the physical sciences and mathematics. The Simons Foundation will support a three-year program of Simons Visiting Professorships in theoretical physics at the NBIA, for a total of six four-month professorships.

Institut Mittag-Leffler of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Institut Mittag-Leffler (IML) is an international center for research and postdoctoral training in mathematical sciences. The Simons Foundation will support two larger conferences during the major research programs at the IML and enable prominent scientists normally not able to come for longer periods to participate in the IML activities to the benefit of existing research programs.

Hamilton Mathematics Institute at Trinity College Dublin

The Hamilton Mathematics Institute (HMI) aims to foster and support the economic, cultural and societal benefits of mathematics and fundamental science as drivers of progress in Ireland. The Simons Foundation will provide funding for three new appointment types in pure mathematics and theoretical physics: Simons Distinguished Visiting Professor, Simons Postdoctoral Fellow and Simons Visiting Scholar.

International Mathematical Union

International Mathematical Union (IMU) Commission for Developing Countries is a program of cooperation with and in support of mathematical institutions and individual mathematicians in the developing world. The Simons Foundation will provide funds to establish the IMU-Simons African Fellowship Program, to support individual research-related travel and living costs for mathematicians from developing countries in Africa to travel to a center of excellence in any part of the world for collaborative research.


International Centre for Theoretical Sciences of Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (ICTS-TIFR)

The International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS) is a multi- and interdisciplinary effort with a mandate to take new initiatives on the frontiers of science, and catalyze and promote collaboration in research. Support from the Simons Foundation will establish Simons postdoctoral fellowships, a visiting scholars program and a distinguished chair.

Galileo Galilei Institute at the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

The Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics (GGI) hosts small-scale advanced workshops in theoretical particle physics and related fields. The Simons Foundation supports a fellowship program that enables eminent scientists to make extended visits to the institute.

Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences

The Banach Center, as part of the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IMPAN), fosters mathematical research at the highest level by supporting conferences, workshops, short courses and hosting visits of research groups. With Simons Foundation support, the Banach Center will establish Simons Semesters, in which distinguished senior researchers and outstanding young researchers are appointed as Simons Semester Fellows to come to IMPAN to lead long-term (2–4 months) programs in forefront research areas.

Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research (BICMR) of Peking University

The foundation has extended the support of the Simons Postdoctoral Fellowships at the Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research, part of Peking University.


Centre de Recerca Matemàtica

The Simons Foundation supported the establishment of the Simons Visiting Program at the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, aimed at enhancing the existing Thematic Research Programs by offering financial support to senior researchers for visits from 2 to 6 months long.

ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research

The Simons Foundation approved funding to the International Center for Theoretical Physics South American Institute for Fundamental Research to supplement the Sao Paulo State Research Funding Agency Fellowship in order to create a competitive tenure-track position.

Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences

The Simons Foundation provided funding to the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences to create a Simons Fellowship Program with the aim of encouraging key participants, including program organizers, to stay longer than they otherwise would by offering an enhanced support package.


The Aspen Center for Physics

The Simons Foundation has provided funding to the Aspen Center for Physics to support the participation in the Aspen Summer Program of outstanding scientists based in developing countries.

The Erwin Schrodinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics

The Simons Foundation has established a Simons Junior Professor in Mathematics or Mathematical Physics at the Erwin Schrodinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics.

International Centre for Theoretical Physics

The Simons Foundation has provided funding to The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics to support the ICTP Associates Program. This program enables a selected group of research-active scientists from developing countries to maintain a connection with ICTP by visiting for extended periods over the course of several years, and by sending students or post-doctoral fellows to ICTP.

International Mathematical Union

The Simons Foundation has provided funding to support the IMU’s Commission for Developing Countries program, which supports collaborative research visits of mathematicians working in the developing world.

Mathematical Research Institute Oberwolfach

The Simons Foundation has initiated the Oberwolfach Simons Visiting Professors Program at the Mathematical Research Institute Oberwolfach. Each year, this program will support 40 Simons Visiting Professors, distinguished scientists from outside Europe, who wish to combine an invitation to a workshop at MFO with a research visit to a European university.

National Centre for Biological Sciences, Tata Institute

The Simons Foundation has founded the Simons Center for the Study of Living Machines for data-driven theoretical biology at the National Centre for Biological Sciences, a division of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research.

Tsinghua University

The Simons Foundation has provided funding to the Tsinghua University Education Foundation to support the Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum’s weekly workshops being held starting in 2014.


Independent University of Moscow

The Simons Foundation has provided a grant to the IUM to support the funding of Simons IUM-Fellowships and Simons Stipends for Students and Graduate Students. Simons IUM-fellowships support outstanding researchers working at the IUM who are chosen by a selection committee consisting of the faculty members of the IUM. Stipends for Students and Graduate Students are awarded to the best students at the IUM doing successful research.

Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada

The Simons Foundation has provided funding to the IMPA to establish two new tenure track faculty positions, the Chern Chair in Geometry and the Simons Chair in Geometry. Two tenure track researchers, José Espinar and Mikhail Belolipetsky, were chosen after a thorough selection process with candidates from all over the world.

Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics

The Simons Foundation is providing funding for the Simons Visiting Scientist Program at the KITP at the University of California at Santa Barbara. This program provides support to scientists leaving their home institutions for extended periods of time to visit the KITP and participate in its programs.


American University Of Beirut

The Simons Foundation has endowed the Michael Atiyah Chair in Mathematics.

Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques

The Simons Foundation pledged €5 million gift for general operating support. This challenge gift is a one-to-one matching grant and requires IHES to raise €5 million in cash or pledges from third party donors by September 30, 2016.

Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI)

Simons Professorships

For more than 10 years the Simons Foundation has given $100,000 each year to support the cost of bringing leading mathematicians to MSRI. In the last four years MSRI has hosted 23 Simons Professors.

Eisenbud Professorship

In 2007, the Simons Foundation awarded a grant of $10 million to establish MSRI’s endowment, which included a direct grant to endow the Eisenbud Professorship. To date, 40 mathematicians have spent time at MSRI with support from this grant.

In 2013, the foundation awarded additional funds to support postdoctoral fellows and senior participants at the institute.

Other Funding Opportunities
Program Name
Important Dates

Scientific Software Research Faculty Award

The Simons Foundation’s Mathematics and Physical Sciences (MPS) division invites applications for its Scientific Software Research Faculty Award (SSRF Award) in the MPS program for faculty appointments to start between September 2024–September 2025. The foundation strongly encourages scientists from disadvantaged backgrounds or underrepresented groups to apply.

Small-Scale Experiments for Fundamental Physics

The funders invite applications to a one-time call aimed at advancing fundamental physics by funding small-scale experiments that explore physics which has typically been explored at large-scale facilities.

Simons Investigators

Simons Investigators are outstanding theoretical scientists who receive a stable base of research support from the foundation, enabling them to… Read More

Travel Support for Mathematicians

The goal of the program is to stimulate collaboration in the mathematics field primarily through the funding of travel and related expenditures.
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