Daniel Alabi, Ph.D.

Columbia University

Daniel Alabi is starting a postdoctoral research scientist position at the Data Science Institute and the Department of Computer Science at Columbia University, where he will be hosted by Professor Daniel Hsu. Alabi is wrapping up his Ph.D. at Harvard University, where he is advised by Professor Salil Vadhan. In 2019, he received an S.M. from Harvard and before that obtained a B.A. in mathematics and a B.A. in computer science from Carleton College. Born and raised in Abuja, Nigeria, he is also a competitive ballroom dancer (gold-level) and specializes in Latin and rhythm.

His research interests are broadly in the mathematical foundations of data science. During the course of his Ph.D., he has made algorithmic contributions to certifiably optimal decision lists and trees, privacy, fairness, social choice theory and basic statistics. He remains interested in other areas in the general fields of theoretical computer science and statistics.

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