Elizabeth Mormino, Ph.D.

Professor, Stanford UniversityElizabeth Mormino’s website

Elizabeth Mormino is a neuroscientist who applies multimodal imaging and biofluid techniques to understand disease progression and the neural correlates of behavioral and cognitive changes that occur in disease. Her primary research focus is at the intersection of Alzheimer’s disease and human aging.

Mormino completed a Ph.D. in neuroscience at the University of California, Berkeley in the laboratory of William Jagust, where she performed some of the initial studies applying Amyloid PET with the tracer PIB to clinically unimpaired older individuals. During her postdoctoral fellowship with Reisa Sperling and Keith Johnson at Massachusetts General Hospital she investigated longitudinal cognitive trajectories in clinically unimpaired individuals with abnormal Alzheimer’s biomarkers. In 2017, Mormino joined the faculty at Stanford University in the Department of Neurology and Neurological Sciences. She currently leads the Imaging Core of the Stanford Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center and the longitudinal extension of the Stanford Aging and Memory Study.

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