Emily Rogalski, Ph.D.

Professor, University of ChicagoEmily Rogalski’s website

Emily Rogalski is a professor of neurology at the University of Chicago where she is director of a healthy aging, Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia research center. She is a clinical and cognitive neuroscientist and her research falls under the broad umbrella of aging and dementia. Using a multimodal approach, she focuses her investigations on two aging perspectives: primary progressive aphasia (PPA), in which neurodegenerative disease invades the language network, and SuperAging, in which individuals are seemingly resistant to the deleterious changes in memory associated with normal, or more typical, cognitive aging. Her PPA research has helped to characterize the clinical and anatomical features of PPA including drivers of disease progression, identification of risk factors, and refinement of our understanding of language network organization. She has also pioneered a line of research concentrated on maximizing care and quality of life for individuals living with PPA and related dementias. She operationalized the SuperAging phenotype and has helped to establish the unique biologic, molecular, genetic and psychosocial features associated with SuperAging. She currently leads the SuperAging Research Initiative, which holds promise for identifying protective factors for avoiding Alzheimer’s disease, optimizing health span and reducing stigma and negative expectations associated with aging.

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