Gily Ginosar, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow, New York University
Postdoctoral Fellow, Flatiron Institute
Portrait of Gily Ginosar

Gily Ginosar is a postdoctoral fellow at New York University and the Flatiron Institution, in the groups of professors Dan Sanes, David Schneider and Alex Williams. She received her Ph.D. and M.Sc. in brain science from the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, under the mentorship of professor Nachum Ulanovsky. Before that, Gily earned her B.Sc. in physics and cognitive sciences from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

During her Ph.D., Gily studied the neural basis of the mammalian perception of 3D space. She conducted wireless electrophysiological recordings from freely flying bats and recorded their grid cells. Her work revealed the surprising activity of grid cells in 3D space, which exhibit a local but not global structure (Nature, 2021). Gily also conducted human behavioral studies investigating human perception of 3D space. For her Ph.D. work, Gily received the Capranica Prize from the International Society for Neuroethology and the Nemko Prize from the Society for Neuroscience.

At NYU, Gily is studying natural mammalian vocal communication, eavesdropping on families of Mongolian gerbils as they naturally communicate with each other.

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