Swapnil Shah

Software Engineer
Portrait photo of Swapnil Shah

Swapnil Shah joined the Simons Foundation’s Informatics team in 2017 as a software engineer working on front-end development. Prior to joining the foundation, Shah worked as a software developer for Gartner Inc., where he was responsible for developing interactive, SEO-friendly, fully responsive and optimized websites.

Shah received his B.E. in information technology in 2012 from Walchand Institute of Technology in India. He started his career in front-end development by working as a software engineer for eClerx, a software consultancy firm in India. During his tenure with eClerx, he worked for clients around the globe across different industries, helping them implement cutting-edge web applications.

After moving to the United States, Shah worked for Canon, where he was responsible for migrating the company’s existing webpages to a new content management system. While working at Canon, he also got a Canon for himself and is now an avid amateur photographer.

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