CCB Brown Bag Seminar

Date & Time

1st presenter:  Gilles Francfort, Ph.D., Research Scientist

Topic: Liquid filled elastomers

Abstract: Expounding the observations made by Dufresne (Yale University) and collaborators in 2016, we demonstrate in this joint work with J. Casado-Diaz, O. Lopez-Pamies and M.G. Mora that a composite made of many tiny liquid bubbles embedded in a soft elastomer can exhibit drastic softening or stiffening of its material

2nd presenter: Chris Edelmaier, Ph.D., Software Engineer

Topic: Designing High Performance Simulation Frameworks for Biological Applications

Abstract: Biological systems may contain millions of heterogeneous objects, all functioning together to perform some task. Simulating these systems requires a choice of time and length scales, with increasing computational complexity required to achieve higher resolution in both. Here I present current efforts to solve this heterogeneous object problem with two computational frameworks (aLENS/aLENS2/MuNDy and SkellySim/JellySim), and will describe what each framework is capable (and incapable) of doing. These frameworks allow us to simulate larger and more diverse biological systems for longer durations than previously possible.

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