CIFAR 2023

  • Organized by
  • Portrait photo of Antoine GeorgesAntoine Georges, Ph.D.Director, Center for Computational Quantum Physics, Flatiron Institute
Date & Time

CIFAR – Quantum Material Program Meeting

  • 8:45- 9:00Welcome
    9:00-9:45 (45)Louis Taillefer (CIFAR/Sherbrooke)Cuprates: Progress & Perspective
    9:45- 10:30 (45)Shiwei Zhang (CCQ) What we have learned about the Hubbard model with computations
    10:30-11:30 (1hr)Break
    11:30-12:15 (45)Nigel Hussey (CIFAR/Bristol)Strange metals: Progress & Perspective
    12:15- 1:00 (45)Cyrus Dreyer (CCQ)First-principles methods for phonons in magnetic systems
    1:00-2:30 (1.5hr)Lunch
    2:30-3:00 (30)Poster Ads
    3:00- 6:30 (3.5hr) Poster Session & Coffee Break
  • 9:00-9:45 (45)Liang Fu (CIFAR/MIT)Topological materials: Progress & Perspective
    9:45-10:05 (20)Valentin CrépelGate-defined fractional topological insulator to superconductor interface in an antiferromagnetic moire heterostructure
    10:05- 10:25 (20)Daniele Guerci (CCQ)Ideal bands and Chern mosaic in helical trilayer graphene
    10:30-11:30 (1hr)Break
    11:30-12:15 (45)Hae-Young Kee (CIFAR/Toronto)Spin liquids: Progress & Perspective
    12:15- 1:00 PM (45)Jan Tang (CIFAR/Boston)Observation of the dual quantum spin Hall insulator by density-tuned correlations in monolayer TaIrTe4
    1:00-2:30 Lunch
    2:30- 3:15 (45)Miles Stoudenmire (CCQ)Quantum-inspired classical algorithms
    3:15- 3:30 (15)Group Photo
    3:30-7:00 (3.5hr)Poster Session & Coffee Break
  • 9:00-9:45 (45)Lu Chen (CIFAR/Sherbrooke)Planar thermal Hall effect from phonons in Kitaev materials and cuprates
    9:45-10:30 (45)Sophie Beck (CCQ)The fate of quasiparticles at high temperature: a combined DMFT and ARPES study of Sr2RuO4
    10:30-11:30 (1hr)Break
    11:30-12:15 (45)Hyeok Yoon (CIFAR/Maryland)Spectroscopic measurements of the superconducting order parameter of UTe2
    12:15- 1:00 PM (45)Olivier Gingras (CCQ)Nature of the unconventional superconducting state in Sr2RuO4
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