2005 Publications

Shining light on the microscopic resonant mechanism responsible for cavity-mediated chemical reactivity

Christian Schäfer, J. Flick, Enrico Ronca, Prineha Narang, A. Rubio
Strong light-matter interaction in cavity environments is emerging as a promising approach to control chemical reactions in a non-intrusive and efficient manner. The underlying mechanism that distinguishes between steering, accelerating, or decelerating a chemical reaction has, however, remained unclear, hampering progress in this frontier area of research. We leverage quantum-electrodynamical density-functional theory to unveil the microscopic mechanism behind the experimentally observed reduced reaction rate under cavity induced resonant vibrational strong light-matter coupling. We observe multiple resonances and obtain the thus far theoretically elusive but experimentally critical resonant feature for a single strongly-coupled molecule undergoing the reaction. While we do not explicitly account for collective coupling or intermolecular interactions, the qualitative agreement with experimental measurements suggests that our conclusions can be largely abstracted towards the experimental realization. Specifically, we find that the cavity mode acts as mediator between different vibrational modes. In effect, vibrational energy localized in single bonds that are critical for the reaction is redistributed which ultimately inhibits the reaction.
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Magic angle conditions for twisted 3D topological insulators

Aaron Dunbrack, J. Cano
We derive a general low-energy theory for twisted moiré heterostructures comprised of Dirac materials. We apply our theory to heterostructures on the surface of a three dimensional topological insulator (3D TI). First, we consider the interface between two 3D TIs arranged with a relative twist angle. We prove that if the two TIs are identical, then a necessary condition for a magic angle where the Dirac cone velocity vanishes is to have an interlayer spin-flipping hopping term. Without this term, the Dirac cone velocities can still be significantly renormalized, decreasing to less than half of their original values, but they will not vanish. Second, we consider graphene on the surface of a TI arranged with a small twist angle. Again, a magic angle is only achievable with a spin-flipping hopping term. Without this term, the Dirac cone is renormalized, but not significantly. In both cases, our perturbative results are verified by computing the band structure of the continuum model. The enhanced density of states that results from decreasing the surface Dirac cone velocity provides a tunable route to realizing interacting topological phases.
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Cavity-modified unimolecular dissociation reactions via intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution

Derek Wang, Tomàš Neuman, Susanne Yelin, J. Flick
While the emerging field of vibrational polariton chemistry has the potential to overcome traditional limitations of synthetic chemistry, the underlying mechanism is not yet well understood. Here, we explore how the dynamics of unimolecular dissociation reactions that are rate-limited by intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution (IVR) can be modified inside an infrared optical cavity. We study a classical model of a bent triatomic molecule, where the two outer atoms are bound by anharmonic Morse potentials to the center atom coupled to a harmonic bending mode. We show that an optical cavity resonantly coupled to particular anharmonic vibrational modes can interfere with IVR and alter unimolecular dissociation reaction rates when the cavity mode acts as a reservoir for vibrational energy. We find a strong dependence on the initial state of the cavity and molecule. In particular, when the cavity is initially empty, the dissociation rate decreases, while when the cavity is initially hotter than the molecule, the cavity can instead accelerate the reaction rate. These results lay the foundation for further theoretical work toward understanding the intriguing experimental results of vibrational polaritonic chemistry within the context of IVR.
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Gapless electronic topology without free-electron counterpart

Haoyu Hu, Lei Chen, Chandan Setty, Sarah E. Grefe, Andrey Prokofiev, Stefan Kirchner, Silke Paschen, J. Cano, Qimiao Si
The interplay between interactions and topology in quantum materials is of extensive current interest. For the gapless case, whether and how electron correlations can drive topological states that are not adiabatically connected to a noninteracting system is an open and pressing problem. Here we study a periodic Anderson model in several lattices, with strongly correlated electrons coupled to two channels of conduction electrons. Strong correlations are demonstrated to cooperate with lattice symmetry to produce topological phases that have no Landau quasiparticles and show strange-metal behavior. We characterize the electronic topology in terms of surface states and valley and spin Hall conductivities, and identify candidate materials to realize the proposed phases. Our work opens a door to a variety of gapless topological phases without free-electron counterpart in a broad range of strongly correlated metals.
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Topology invisible to eigenvalues in obstructed atomic insulators

J. Cano, L. Elcoro, M. I. Aroyo, B. A. Bernevig, Barry Bradlyn
We consider the extent to which symmetry eigenvalues reveal the topological character of bands. Specifically, we compare distinct atomic limit phases (band representations) that share the same irreducible representations (irreps) at all points in the Brillouin zone and, therefore, appear equivalent in a classification based on eigenvalues. We derive examples where such "irrep-equivalent" phases can be distinguished by a quantized Berry phase or generalization thereof. These examples constitute a generalization of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain: neither phase is topological, in the sense that localized Wannier functions exist, yet there is a topological obstruction between them. We refer to two phases as "Berry obstructed atomic limits" if they have the same irreps, but differ by Berry phases. This is a distinct notion from eigenvalue obstructed atomic limits, which differ in their symmetry irreps at some point in the Brillouin zone. We compute exhaustive lists of elementary band representations that are irrep-equivalent, in all space groups, with and without time-reversal symmetry and spin-orbit coupling, and use group theory to derive a set of necessary conditions for irrep-equivalence. Finally, we conjecture, and in some cases prove, that irrep-equivalent elementary band representations that are not equivalent can be distinguished by a topological invariant.
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Rotational g factors and Lorentz forces of molecules and solids from density-functional perturbation theory

Asier Zabalo, Cyrus E. Dreyer, Massimiliano Stengel
Applied magnetic fields can couple to atomic displacements via generalized Lorentz forces, which are commonly expressed as gyromagnetic g factors. We develop an efficient first-principles methodology based on density-functional perturbation theory to calculate this effect in both molecules and solids to linear order in the applied field. Our methodology is based on two linear-response quantities: the macroscopic polarization response to an atomic displacement (i.e., Born effective charge tensor), and the antisymmetric part of its first real-space moment (the symmetric part corresponding to the dynamical quadrupole tensor). The latter quantity is calculated via an analytical expansion of the current induced by a long-wavelength phonon perturbation, and compared to numerical derivatives of finite-wavevector calculations. We validate our methodology in finite systems by computing the gyromagnetic g factor of several simple molecules, demonstrating excellent agreement with experiment and previous density-functional theory and quantum chemistry calculations. In addition, we demonstrate the utility of our method in extended systems by computing the energy splitting of the low-frequency transverse-optical phonon mode of cubic SrTiO
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Robust Pipek–Mezey Orbital Localization in Periodic Solids

Marjory C. Clement, X. Wang, Edward F. Valeev
We describe a robust method for determining Pipek–Mezey (PM) Wannier functions (WF), recently introduced by Jónsson et al. (J. Chem. Theor. Chem. 2017, 13, 460), which provide some formal advantages over the more common Boys (also known as maximally-localized) Wannier functions. The Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno-based PMWF solver is demonstrated to yield dramatically faster convergence compared to the alternatives (steepest ascent and conjugate gradient) in a variety of one-, two-, and three-dimensional solids (including some with vanishing gaps) and can be used to obtain Wannier functions robustly in supercells with thousands of atoms. Evaluation of the PM functional and its gradient in periodic linear combination of atomic orbital representation used a particularly simple definition of atomic charges obtained by Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse projection onto the minimal atomic orbital basis. An automated “canonicalize phase then randomize” method for generating the initial guess for WFs contributes significantly to the robustness of the solver.
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Linear free energy relationships in electrostatic catalysis

Norah M. Hoffmann, X. Wang, Timothy C. Berkelbach
The use of electric fields to modify chemical reactions is a promising, emerging technique in catalysis. However, there exist few guiding principles, and rational design requires assumptions about the transition state or explicit atomistic calculations. Here, we present a linear free energy relationship, familiar in other areas of physical organic chemistry, that microscopically relates field-induced changes in the activation energy to those in the reaction energy, connecting kinetic and thermodynamic behaviors. We verify our theory using first-principles electronic structure calculations of a symmetric S
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Polaritonic Unitary Coupled Cluster for Quantum Computations

In the field of polaritonic chemistry, strong light-matter interactions are used to alter chemical reactions inside optical cavities. To understand these processes, the development of reliable theoretical models is essential. While traditional methods have to balance accuracy and system size, new developments in quantum computing offer a path for accurate calculations on currently available quantum devices. Here, we introduce the quantum electrodynamics unitary coupled cluster (QED-UCC) method combined with the Variational Quantum Eigensolver algorithm, as well as the quantum electrodynamics equation-of-motion (QED-EOM) method formulated in the qubit basis that allow accurate calculations of ground-state and excited-state properties of strongly coupled light-matter systems suitable for quantum computers. These methods show excellent agreement with the exact reference results and can outperform their traditional counterparts when strong electronic correlations become significant. This work sets the stage for future developments of polaritonic quantum chemistry methods suitable for both classical and quantum computers.
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