2005 Publications

Unveiling the underlying interactions in Ta2NiSe5 from photo-induced lifetime change

D. Golez, Sydney K. Y. Dufresne, Min-Jae Kim, Fabio Boschini, Hao Chu, Yuta Murakami, Giorgio Levy, Arthur K. Mills, Sergey Zhdanovich, Masahiko Isobe, Hidenori Takagi, Stefan Kaiser, P. Werner, David J. Jones, A. Georges, Andrea Damascelli, Andrew J. Millis
We present a generic procedure for quantifying the interplay of electronic and lattice degrees of freedom in photo-doped insulators through a comparative analysis of theoretical many-body simulations and time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (TR-ARPES) of the transient response of the candidate excitonic insulator Ta2NiSe5. Our analysis demonstrates that the electron-electron interactions dominate the electron-phonon ones. In particular, a detailed analysis of the TRARPES spectrum enables a clear separation of the dominant broadening (electronic lifetime) effects from the much smaller bandgap renormalization. Theoretical calculations show that the observed strong spectral broadening arises from the electronic scattering of the photo-excited particle-hole pairs and cannot be accounted for in a model in which electron-phonon interactions are dominant. We demonstrate that the magnitude of the weaker subdominant bandgap renormalization sensitively depends on the distance from the semiconductor/semimetal transition in the high-temperature state, which could explain apparent contradictions between various TR-ARPES experiments. The analysis presented here indicates that electron-electron interactions play a vital role (although not necessarily the sole one) in stabilizing the insulating state.
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Dynamical mean field theory of moiré bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides: phase diagram, resistivity, and quantum criticality

Jiawei Zang, J. Wang, J. Cano, A. Georges, Andrew J. Millis
We present a comprehensive dynamical mean field study of the moiré Hubbard model, which is believed to represent the physics of moiré bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides. In these materials, important aspects of the band structure including the bandwidth and the order and location of van Hove singularities can be tuned by varying the interlayer potential. We present a magnetic and metal-insulator phase diagram and a detailed study of the dependence of the resistivity on temperature, band filling and interlayer potential. We find that transport displays Fermi liquid, strange metal and quantum critical behaviors in distinct regions of the phase diagram. We show how magnetic order affects the resistivity. Our results elucidate the physics of the correlated states and the metal-insulator continuous transition recently observed in twisted homobilayer WSe
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Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Models and Beyond: A Window into Non-Fermi Liquids

Debanjan Chowdhury, A. Georges, O. Parcollet, S. Sachdev
We present a review of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model of compressible quantum many-body systems without quasiparticle excitations, and its connections to various theoretical studies of non-Fermi liquids in condensed matter physics. The review is placed in the context of numerous experimental observations on correlated electron materials. Strong correlations in metals are often associated with their proximity to a Mott transition to an insulator created by the local Coulomb repulsion between the electrons. We explore the phase diagrams of a number of models of such local electronic correlation, employing a dynamical mean field theory in the presence of random spin exchange interactions. Numerical analyses and analytical solutions, using renormalization group methods and expansions in large spin degeneracy, lead to critical regions which display SYK physics. The models studied include the single-band Hubbard model, the t-J model and the two-band Kondo-Heisenberg model in the presence of random spin exchange interactions. We also examine non-Fermi liquids obtained by considering each SYK model with random four-fermion interactions to be a multi-orbital atom, with the SYK-atoms arranged in an infinite lattice. We connect to theories of sharp Fermi surfaces without any low-energy quasiparticles in the absence of spatial disorder, obtained by coupling a Fermi liquid to a gapless boson; a systematic large N theory of such a critical Fermi surface, with SYK characteristics, is obtained by averaging over an ensemble of theories with random boson-fermion couplings. Finally, we present an overview of the links between the SYK model and quantum gravity and end with an outlook on open questions.
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Fermionic Wave Functions from Neural-Network Constrained Hidden States

Javier Robledo Moreno, G. Carleo, A. Georges, J. Stokes

We introduce a systematically improvable family of variational wave functions for the simulation of strongly correlated fermionic systems. This family consists of Slater determinants in an augmented Hilbert space involving "hidden" additional fermionic degrees of freedom. These determinants are projected onto the physical Hilbert space through a constraint which is optimized, together with the single-particle orbitals, using a neural network parametrization. This construction draws inspiration from the success of hidden particle representations but overcomes the limitations associated with the mean-field treatment of the constraint often used in this context. Our construction provides an extremely expressive family of wave functions, which is proven to be universal. We apply this construction to the ground state properties of the Hubbard model on the square lattice, achieving levels of accuracy which are competitive with and in some cases superior to state-of-the-art computational methods.

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Charge self-consistent electronic structure calculations with dynamical mean-field theory using Quantum ESPRESSO, Wannier90 and TRIQS

We present a fully charge self-consistent implementation of dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) combined with density functional theory (DFT) for electronic structure calculations of materials with strong electronic correlations. The implementation uses the Quantum ESPRESSO package for the density functional theory calculations, the Wannier90 code for the up-/downfolding and the TRIQS software package for setting up and solving the DMFT equations. All components are available under open source licenses, are MPI-parallelized, fully integrated in the respective packages, and use an hdf5 archive interface to eliminate file parsing. We show benchmarks for three different systems that demonstrate excellent agreement with existing DFT+DMFT implementations in other ab-initio electronic structure codes.
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Ab initio linear-response approach to vibro-polaritons in the cavity Born-Oppenheimer approximation

Recent years have seen significant developments in the study of strong light-matter coupling including the control of chemical reactions by altering the vibrational normal modes of molecules. In the vibrational strong coupling regime the normal modes of the system become hybrid modes which mix nuclear, electronic, and photonic degrees of freedom. First principles methods capable of treating light and matter degrees of freedom on the same level of theory are an important tool in understanding such systems. In this work, we develop and apply a generalized force constant matrix approach to the study of mixed vibration-photon (vibro-polariton) states of molecules based on the cavity Born-Oppenheimer approximation and quantum-electrodynamical density-functional theory. With this method vibro-polariton modes and infrared spectra can be computed via linear response techniques analogous to those widely used for conventional vibrations and phonons. We also develop an accurate model that highlights the consistent treatment of cavity coupled electrons in the vibrational strong coupling regime. These electronic effects appear as new terms previously disregarded by simpler models. This effective model also allows for an accurate extrapolation of single and two molecule calculations to the collective strong coupling limit of hundreds of molecules. We benchmark these approaches for single and many CO
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Error Rate Reduction of Single-Qubit Gates via Noise-Aware Decomposition

Thomas Maldonado, J. Flick, Stefan Krastanov, Alexey Galda
In the current era of Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) technology, the practical use of quantum computers remains inhibited by our inability to aptly decouple qubits from their environment to mitigate computational errors. In this work, we introduce an approach by which knowledge of a qubit's initial quantum state and the standard parameters describing its decoherence can be leveraged to mitigate the noise present during the execution of a single-qubit gate. We benchmark our protocol using cloud-based access to IBM quantum processors. On ibmq
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