Simons Dissertation Fellowship in Mathematics

Application Deadline
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  • Application Deadline
  • Award Start Date
Important Dates
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  • Application Deadline
  • Award Start Date
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The Simons Foundation’s Mathematics and Physical Sciences (MPS) division invites applications for the new Simons Dissertation Fellowship in Mathematics to provide research support to excellent graduate students in the final years of their Ph.D. studies. This program has been created to honor the work of our late co-founder, Jim Simons, and his commitment to supporting the field of mathematics.

Basis for Awards

Funding will be based on the quality of the applicant, significance of the applicant’s previous research and promise of the pursued research program.

Funding Details

The grant will commence September 1, 2025, for a two-year period, to coincide with the final fourth and fifth years of the Fellow’s Ph.D. program. The grant will provide $19,200 per year as follows:

$15,000 per year in general research support, to be used at the sole discretion of the Fellow, in such areas as:

  • Fellow summer stipend;
  • Domestic or international scientific travel to conferences and meetings that further the Fellow’s research and professional development, as well as visits to other institutions to pursue research. These funds cannot be used for the travel of others, whether collaborators or visitors.
  • Research related expenses for the Fellow, such as computers, computer support, publication expenses, stationery, supplies, books and membership fees to professional organizations.

$1,000 per year to the Fellow’s department as discretionary funds, to be used at the sole discretion of the department chair, to enhance the research atmosphere of the department. Funds may be used for such expenses as:

  • Support for departmental colloquia and seminars, as well as refreshments and other research-related amenities;
  • Support for student orientations, prospective student visits and other departmental activities;
  • Subsidizing meals for faculty, students and visitors;
  • Furniture and research infrastructure, such as copiers, computers and software.

An additional 20 percent for indirect costs ($3,200 per year), per the foundation’s indirect cost policy.

Grantees will be awarded a total of $38,400 USD.

Eligibility Requirements

An applicant must be enrolled as full-time Ph.D. student in a Ph.D. granting mathematics department at an institution in the United States and must be in their third year of study of a five-year Ph.D. program. Applicants must apply in the third year of their Ph.D. program. There are no citizenship requirements.

Unspent Funds

Unspent funds may be carried forward annually. Unspent funds at the end of the grant should continue to be used towards the aims of the grant to support graduate students in the mathematics department and can be expended indefinitely for the duration that funds remain. If the awardee transfers or otherwise leaves the Ph.D. program, funds should be used by the institution in line with the goals of the grant to support graduate students in the mathematics department.


The grant will require the submission of a countersigned award letter. No additional reporting will be required.

Number of Awards

The foundation expects to award up to 40 dissertation fellowships for 2025.

How to Apply

Applicants must be submitted via the Simons Award Manager (SAM), The deadline to apply is March 31, 2025, 12 p.m. (noon) EDT.

Please refer to the How to Apply tab for instructions.

Please note that in the event of budgetary or other considerations The Simons Foundation, Inc. reserves the right to refer an application to The Simons Foundation International, Ltd. (SFI) for evaluation and funding, in which case SFI’s grant policies would apply.

Our Commitment to Expanding Pathways to Science and Opportunities for All

Many of the greatest ideas and discoveries come from a diverse mix of minds, backgrounds and experiences. The Simons Foundation is committed to advancing basic science and mathematics to benefit humankind and expand our collective understanding of our world. As part of our mission, we support partners, programs and initiatives that seek to broaden the scientific community and open pathways to science and mathematics careers.

The Simons Foundation provides equal opportunities to all applicants for funding without regard to race, religion, color, age, sex, pregnancy, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic disposition, neurodiversity, disability, veteran status or any other protected category under federal, state and local law.

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Important Dates
  • Application Opens
  • Application Deadline
  • Award Start Date
Contact Info

The deadline to submit applications is March 31, 2025, at 12 p.m. (noon) EST. Applications should be started and submitted under the applicant’s own account in the Simons Award Manager (SAM), Once logged in, select the Funding Opportunities icon. For the Simons Dissertation Fellowship in Mathematics application, click on Create Application, then Begin Application. NOTE: There is no budget requirement for the application. If selected, grantees will be awarded $19,200 per year for a total of $38,400 USD.

Please note that in the event of budgetary or other considerations The Simons Foundation, Inc. reserves the right to refer an application to The Simons Foundation International, Ltd. (SFI) for consideration and funding, in which case SFI’s grant policies would apply.

Complete the application as follows

  1. Proposal Tab:
    1. Applicant Details & Personal Data: Enter required fields (title, department and academic rank), ORCID iD and demographic data. The applicant may use the Edit Profile button to update their information as needed.
    2. Academic Degrees:
      1. Enter degrees (optional).
      2. Indicate whether the mathematics department at the grantee’s institution has a Ph.D. granting program. See the eligibility section of the RFA for further information.
    3. Application Details:
      1. Enter the title of the application.
      2. Start and end dates are fixed. The grant will commence September 1, 2025 and end August 31, 2027.
    4. Proposal:
      1. Upload a PDF of the following:
        1. Statement of Research Plans (two-page limit, plus up to one page for references and figures, which can be embedded within the text): A statement summarizing the applicant’s research contributions, research plans for the immediate future and career goals.
        2. Letter from Thesis Advisor (two-page limit): Must be signed by the letter writer and should summarize the scientific accomplishments of the applicant and the applicant’s potential in the field of mathematics.
        3. Applicant Biosketch: Upload a SciENcv or fillable PDF NIH- or NSF-style biosketch.
      2. Indicate the extent to which, if any, generative AI technology was used and how it was used to develop your proposal.
    5. Contacts & Personnel Tab: Refer to the instructions provided in SAM to add Institution Administrative Contacts.
    6. Abstract & Keywords Tab:
      1. Keywords: Click on the Add/Modify Keywords button to select up to two tags as it applies to the applicant’s research. Your choices will be used to select the most suitable reviewers.
    7. Check Application Progress: Click the Check Application Progress button to check for any missing required information or files. All missing required information will be listed at the top of the screen and must be corrected before the application can be submitted.
    8. Send for Sign-off: When the application is complete, click on the Send for sign-off button to send to your signing official for signature. You will receive a notification when the application is signed.
    9. Submit Application: When the full proposal application is complete and signed, click on the Submit Application button. A confirmation page will appear once the application is successfully submitted. The application will appear in the Submitted tab of the Applications in Progress table. You will not be able to submit an application if the deadline has passed.
Important Dates
  • Application Opens
  • Application Deadline
  • Award Start Date
Contact Info
  1. Are all mathematics departments, including statistics, eligible?plus--large

    All mathematics departments are eligible, as long as the mathematics department has a Ph.D. degree granting program. However, a department that is solely statistics would not be eligible.

  2. What is the application success rate?plus--large

    The foundation expects that less than 10 percent of applications will be funded.

  3. Can multiple graduate students from the same university and department apply at the same time?plus--large

    Yes, there is no limit.

  4. If I am not awarded a fellowship this year, may I reapply next year?plus--large

    No, the program is designed to begin supporting students in their fourth year of studies. Those going into their fifth year would not be eligible to apply.

  5. Can I apply if I am in my fourth year in order to support my fifth year of study?plus--large

    The program will only be accepting applications to support both the final fourth and fifth years of study. One could not apply in the fourth year of study if one expects to graduate from their program at the end of their fifth year. No exceptions will be made.

  6. My Ph.D. program is six years. Can I apply in my fourth year to support my final fifth and sixth years?plus--large

    At this time, the program will not support those in a six-year Ph.D. program.

  7. Can funds be used for tuition expenses?plus--large


  8. Can the fellowship be transferred to another institution?plus--large


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