298 Publications

A Model-Based Method for Minimizing CVaR and Beyond

Si Yi Meng, R. M. Gower

We develop a variant of the stochastic prox-linear method for minimizing the Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) objective. CVaR is a risk measure focused on minimizing worst-case performance, defined as the average of the top quantile of the losses. In machine learning, such a risk measure is useful to train more robust models. Although the stochastic subgradient method (SGM) is a natural choice for minimizing the CVaR objective, we show that our stochastic prox-linear (SPL+) algorithm can better exploit the structure of the objective, while still providing a convenient closed form update. Our SPL+ method also adapts to the scaling of the loss function, which allows for easier tuning. We then specialize a general convergence theorem for SPL+ to our setting, and show that it allows for a wider selection of step sizes compared to SGM. We support this theoretical finding experimentally.

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BridgeStan: Efficient in-memory access to the methods of a Stan model

Edward A. Roualdes, B. Ward, B. Carpenter, Adrian Seyboldt , Seth D. Axen

Stan provides a probabilistic programming language in which users can code Bayesian models (Carpenter et al., 2017; Stan Development Team, 2022). A Stan program is transpiled to to a C++ class that links to the Stan math library to implement smooth, unconstrained posterior log densities, gradients, and Hessians as well as constraining/unconstraining transforms. Implementation is provided through automatic differentiation in the Stan math library (Carpenter et al., 2015). BridgeStan provides in-memory access to the methods of Stan models through Python, Julia, R, and Rust. This allows algorithm development in these languages with the numerical efficiency and expressiveness of Stan models. Furthermore, these features are exposed through a language agnostic C API, allowing foreign function interfaces in other languages to utilize BridgeStan with minimal additional development.

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Amortized Variational Inference: When and Why?

Variational inference is a class of methods to approximate the posterior distribution of a probabilistic model. The classic factorized (or mean-field) variational inference (F-VI) fits a separate parametric distribution for each latent variable. The more modern amortized variational inference (A-VI) instead learns a common \textit{inference function}, which maps each observation to its corresponding latent variable's approximate posterior. Typically, A-VI is used as a cog in the training of variational autoencoders, however it stands to reason that A-VI could also be used as a general alternative to F-VI. In this paper we study when and why A-VI can be used for approximate Bayesian inference. We establish that A-VI cannot achieve a better solution than F-VI, leading to the so-called \textit{amortization gap}, no matter how expressive the inference function is. We then address a central theoretical question: When can A-VI attain F-VI's optimal solution? We derive conditions on the model which are necessary, sufficient, and verifiable under which the amortization gap can be closed. We show that simple hierarchical models, which encompass many models in machine learning and Bayesian statistics, verify these conditions. We demonstrate, on a broader class of models, how to expand the domain of AVI's inference function to improve its solution, and we provide examples, e.g. hidden Markov models, where the amortization gap cannot be closed. Finally, when A-VI can match F-VI's solution, we empirically find that the required complexity of the inference function does not grow with the data size and that A-VI often converges faster.

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Unlocking the Potential of Similarity Matching: Scalability, Supervision and Pre-training

Y. Bahroun, Shagesh Sridharan, Atithi Acharya, D. Chklovskii, A. Sengupta

While effective, the backpropagation (BP) algorithm exhibits limitations in terms of biological plausibility, computational cost, and suitability for online learning. As a result, there has been a growing interest in developing alternative biologically plausible learning approaches that rely on local learning rules. This study focuses on the primarily unsupervised similarity matching (SM) framework, which aligns with observed mechanisms in biological systems and offers online, localized, and biologically plausible algorithms. i) To scale SM to large datasets, we propose an implementation of Convolutional Nonnegative SM using PyTorch. ii) We introduce a localized supervised SM objective reminiscent of canonical correlation analysis, facilitating stacking SM layers. iii) We leverage the PyTorch implementation for pre-training architectures such as LeNet and compare the evaluation of features against BP-trained models. This work combines biologically plausible algorithms with computational efficiency opening multiple avenues for further explorations.

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Kernelized Diffusion Maps

L. Pillaud-Vivien, Francis Bach, Ph.D.

Spectral clustering and diffusion maps are celebrated dimensionality reduction algorithms built on eigen-elements related to the diffusive structure of the data. The core of these procedures is the approximation of a Laplacian through a graph kernel approach, however this local average construction is known to be cursed by the high-dimension 𝑑. In this article, we build a different estimator of the Laplacian, via a reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces method, which adapts naturally to the regularity of the problem. We provide non-asymptotic statistical rates proving that the kernel estimator we build can circumvent the curse of dimensionality. Finally we discuss techniques (Nyström subsampling, Fourier features) that enable to reduce the computational cost of the estimator while not degrading its overall performance.

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Implicit Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Dispersive Tsunami Propagation

M. Berger, Randall J. LeVeque

We present an algorithm to solve the dispersive depth-averaged Serre-Green-Naghdi (SGN) equations using patch-based adaptive mesh refinement. These equations require adding additional higher derivative terms to the nonlinear shallow water equations. This has been implemented as a new component of the open source GeoClaw software that is widely used for modeling tsunamis, storm surge, and related hazards, improving its accuracy on shorter wavelength phenomena. The equations require the solution of an elliptic system at each time step. The adaptive algorithm allows different time steps on different refinement levels, and solves the implicit equations level by level. Computational examples are presented to illustrate the stability and accuracy on a radially symmetric test case and two realistic tsunami modeling problems, including a hypothetical asteroid impact creating a short wavelength tsunami for which dispersive terms are necessary.

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July 11, 2023

General adjoint-differentiated Laplace approximation

The hierarchical prior used in Latent Gaussian models (LGMs) induces a posterior geometry prone to frustrate inference algorithms. Marginalizing out the latent Gaussian variable using an integrated Laplace approximation removes the offending geometry, allowing us to do efficient inference on the hyperparameters. To use gradient-based inference we need to compute the approximate marginal likelihood and its gradient. The adjoint-differentiated Laplace approximation differentiates the marginal likelihood and scales well with the dimension of the hyperparameters. While this method can be applied to LGMs with any prior covariance, it only works for likelihoods with a diagonal Hessian. Furthermore, the algorithm requires methods which compute the first three derivatives of the likelihood with current implementations relying on analytical derivatives. I propose a generalization which is applicable to a broader class of likelihoods and does not require analytical derivatives of the likelihood. Numerical experiments suggest the added flexibility comes at no computational cost: on a standard LGM, the new method is in fact slightly faster than the existing adjoint-differentiated Laplace approximation. I also apply the general method to an LGM with an unconventional likelihood. This example highlights the algorithm's potential, as well as persistent challenges.

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Multi-level analysis of the gut–brain axis shows autism spectrum disorder-associated molecular and microbial profiles

J. Morton, Dong-Min Jin, Robert H. Mills, Yan Shao, Gibraan Rahman, Daniel McDonald, Qiyun Zhu, Metin Balaban, Yueyu Jiang, Kalen Cantrell, Antonio Gonzalez, Julie Carmel, Linoy Mia Frankiensztajn, Sandra Martin-Brevet, Kirsten Berding, Brittany D. Needham, MarĂ­a Fernanda Zurita, Maude David, Olga V. Averina, Alexey S. Kovtun, Antonio Noto, Michele Mussap, Mingbang Wang, Daniel N. Frank, Et al.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by heterogeneous cognitive, behavioral and communication impairments. Disruption of the gut–brain axis (GBA) has been implicated in ASD although with limited reproducibility across studies. In this study, we developed a Bayesian differential ranking algorithm to identify ASD-associated molecular and taxa profiles across 10 cross-sectional microbiome datasets and 15 other datasets, including dietary patterns, metabolomics, cytokine profiles and human brain gene expression profiles. We found a functional architecture along the GBA that correlates with heterogeneity of ASD phenotypes, and it is characterized by ASD-associated amino acid, carbohydrate and lipid profiles predominantly encoded by microbial species in the genera Prevotella, Bifidobacterium, Desulfovibrio and Bacteroides and correlates with brain gene expression changes, restrictive dietary patterns and pro-inflammatory cytokine profiles. The functional architecture revealed in age-matched and sex-matched cohorts is not present in sibling-matched cohorts. We also show a strong association between temporal changes in microbiome composition and ASD phenotypes. In summary, we propose a framework to leverage multi-omic datasets from well-defined cohorts and investigate how the GBA influences ASD.

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Improving Gradient Computation for Differentiable Physics Simulation with Contacts

Yaofeng Desmond Zhong, J. Han, Biswadip Dey, Georgia Olympia Brikis

Differentiable simulation enables gradients to be back-propagated through physics simulations. In this way, one can learn the dynamics and properties of a physics system by gradient-based optimization or embed the whole differentiable simulation as a layer in a deep learning model for downstream tasks, such as planning and control. However, differentiable simulation at its current stage is not perfect and might provide wrong gradients that deteriorate its performance in learning tasks. In this paper, we study differentiable rigid-body simulation with contacts. We find that existing differentiable simulation methods provide inaccurate gradients when the contact normal direction is not fixed - a general situation when the contacts are between two moving objects. We propose to improve gradient computation by continuous collision detection and leverage the time-of-impact (TOI) to calculate the post-collision velocities. We demonstrate our proposed method, referred to as TOI-Velocity, on two optimal control problems. We show that with TOI-Velocity, we are able to learn an optimal control sequence that matches the analytical solution, while without TOI-Velocity, existing differentiable simulation methods fail to do so.

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