James Bartusek

Image of James Bartusek

James Bartusek will be joining New York University as a postdoctoral fellow in the fall of 2024, hosted by Nir Bitansky. He is currently completing his Ph.D. in computer science at the University of California, Berkeley under the supervision of Sanjam Garg. His research interests are in the foundations of cryptography and quantum information. In particular, he studies how quantum technology can be utilized to improve information security and privacy, and he designs cryptographic protocols for safeguarding information and computation in the era of quantum computers.

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Juan Esteban Rodríguez Camargo, Ph.D.

Juan Esteban Rodríguez Camargo’s main area of research is arithmetic geometry, focused on the cohomology of Shimura varieties. He uses tools from condensed mathematics, representation theory and p-adic Hodge theory to understand the deeply involved relation between automorphic forms and Galois representations. In his future work, he will continue the development of the theory of solid locally analytic representations and find more applications to the p-adic local Langlands program.

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Sanchit Chaturvedi, Ph.D.

Sanchit Chaturvedi will be joining Courant Institute at NYU as a postdoctoral fellow and will be working with Prof. Vlad Vicol and Prof. Scott Armstrong. During his Ph.D., Chaturvedi has been working mathematically solving problems arising in physics with the aid of analysis and geometry. In practice, this involves studying nonlinear partial differential equations that model phenomena occurring at scales of tiny gas particles to scales of massive galaxies and black holes.

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Samra Husremović, Ph.D.

Samra Husremović headshot.

Samra Husremović will be a postdoctoral fellow in the group of professor Xavier Roy at Columbia University. Husremović holds a B.S. degree from Bates College and will graduate with a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley under the mentorship of professor Kwabena Bediako. Husremović’s research sits at the liminal space between chemistry, physics and engineering, with a focus on manipulating emergent physics in atomically thin crystals through targeted synthetic modifications. Her overarching goal is to achieve quantum states relevant to computing applications.

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Ella King, Ph.D.

Portrait of Ella King.

Ella King is a postdoctoral fellow in the Center for Soft Matter Research at New York University, working with David Grier, and is a visiting scholar at Flatiron Institute. King’s work spans soft matter physics, materials design and biological physics. For her Ph.D., she developed inverse design methods for bio-inspired and non-equilibrium self-assembling materials, and showed for the first time how to directly and simultaneously design kinetics and structure in self-assembly.

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Zhanat Koshenov, Ph.D.

Portrait of Zhanat Koshenov

Zhanat Koshenov is a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Dr. Timothy Ryan at Weill Cornell Medicine. He received his B.S. from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and his Ph.D. from Medical University of Graz, Austria. During his doctoral studies in the laboratory of Dr. Wolfgang Graier, Zhanat investigated cellular energy metabolism and its molecular fine tuning in cancer and pancreatic beta cells. His work demonstrated differential calcium ion regulation of mitochondrial energy production in health and disease. His work in pancreatic beta cells provides potential link between neurodegenerative diseases and diabetes. Zhanat was awarded Austrian Award of Excellence for his doctoral dissertation.

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Žiga Krajnik, Ph.D.

Portrait of Žiga Krajnik.

Žiga Krajnik will be joining the Physics department of New York University as a postdoctoral fellow with Professor Aditi Mitra. His research lies at the intersections of nonequilibrium statistical physics, integrability and mathematical physics. It primarily deals with low-dimensional interacting many-body systems, an interest sparked during his master's when he studied super-diffusion in non-abelian integrable spin chains and found they are described by the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality.

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Christopher Lafferty, Ph.D.

Portrait of Christopher Lafferty.

Christopher Lafferty will be a postdoctoral researcher with György Buzsáki at the NYU Neuroscience Institute. His work will focus on the link between sleep disturbances, hippocampal malfunction and memory consolidation. He plans to record and manipulate the activity of reward circuits during periods of hippocampal synchrony (SPW-Rs) while mice are asleep and observe the resultant long-term behavioral changes and brain plasticity effects of such closed-loop perturbations.

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Francesca Mignacco, Ph.D.

Francesca Mignacco is a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for the Physics of Biological Function, a joint effort between the Graduate Center at City University of New York and Princeton University. Her research interests are at the crossroads of statistical physics, machine learning and computational neuroscience. Her graduate research focused on the search for theoretical foundations of machine learning using methods and knowledge from statistical physics.

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Cynthia Steinhardt, Ph.D.

Portrait of Cynthia Steinhardt.

Cynthia Steinhardt is a postdoctoral research fellow in the Center for Theoretical Neuroscience at Columbia University. She graduated with an A.B. in neuroscience from Princeton University and received her Ph.D. in biomedical engineering from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. She will be working with Professor Larry Abbott on creating network models of how electric fields drive neural populations. Her focus will be on understanding how the auditory stream responds and adapts to cochlear implant stimulation, to restore complex abilities, such as speech perception to patients.

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Max Xu, Ph.D.

Portrait of Max Xu

Max Xu is joining the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University as a postdoctoral researcher. Xu completed his Ph.D. at Stanford University under the supervision of professor Kannan Soundararajan and professor Jacob Fox. Prior to Stanford, Xu received a M.A. in mathematics from the University of Cambridge, where he was based at Trinity College and mentored by professor Peter Varju. Before Cambridge, Xu obtained a B.S. in mathematics from University College London where his mentor was professor Andrew Granville.

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